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Correctly line up the English translation text in line by line audio

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Correctly line up the English translation text in line by line audio

Postby benjameslindley_512231 » September 3rd, 2017 5:34 pm

In many of the lessons, when you click to see the English translation in the line by line audio, it does not match the audio that is on that line. Often several sentences will be bunched up together and be paired with audio that is only for a single Japanese sentence. This causes all the remaining lines to also be mismatched, even for lines where the sentences aren't bunched up. As an example from a lesson I am studying now, 'Beginner Season 4, Lesson 42, Your Japanese Possibilities', this is the second and third line in Kanji, which matches the accompanying audio:

line 2: B: 来週木曜日の予約をすることはできますか。
line 3: 七時からニ名です。

But the English translation shows this:

line 2: B: Hi, can I make a reservation for Thursday of next week? It's for two at 7:00.
line 3: A: That'll be fine.

Note that what should be lines 2 and 3, is combined into line 2, and this causes all the remaining lines to be shifted up by one. This issue is prevalent across many lessons. The line by line audio would be much more useful to people if this was fixed. Thank you.

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Re: Correctly line up the English translation text in line by line audio

Postby lena_511666 » September 26th, 2017 5:13 am

Hello Benjames,

Thank you for reporting the issue.
We're going to look at the lesson you mentioned in your comment.
If you find any other mismatching content please report it to .


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