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Credit card only

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Credit card only

Postby Zyx321 » July 2nd, 2017 3:27 pm


i wonder if the responsible instances of jpod are aware of this...

There are many topics on forums/internet from people who want to upgrade,
but they can't because of the forced use of a credit card (which is also unsafe), even with PayPal.
The treats go back many years, so i can only guess how many subscription possibilities are wasted.

I guess jpod is an american company/site?
Why in the year 2017 so many american internet-sites still haven't figuered out,
that in the other countries than america only 30% of the people have a credit card?
You get a bank-card together with your account from your bank, so a credit card is useless.

So there will be no jpod for me, and i doubt that something will change. Too bad.

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Re: Credit card only

Postby lena_511666 » July 6th, 2017 8:43 am

Hello Zyx321,

Thank you for posting. Please find our available payment methods under following link.

We also have an option for a international and domestic bank transfer to US account. Let us know if you need details for those.

Let us know if you have any other questions.


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