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feedback on "must know japanese sentence structures"

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feedback on "must know japanese sentence structures"

Postby danielpaulbednarek_516363 » June 1st, 2017 11:26 pm

This series is so boring! The male presenters voice puts me to sleep . There is no excitement or life in these lessons.
I am only at the beginner level now and I really hope the remaining lessons are more fun like the newbie seasons were.

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Re: feedback on "must know japanese sentence structures"

Postby ofeliadgrd » June 3rd, 2017 1:40 am

Hi danielpaulbednarek,

Thank you for the comment.
We're trying to do our best to deliver our lessons with the best quality, and we believe your comment will help us improve our lesson quality.
Thank you again. We'll consider your feedback when we develop new series.

Thank you,

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