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Try to be more transparent in your "subscription plan outline" page.

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Try to be more transparent in your "subscription plan outline" page.

Postby MarcusAseth » May 29th, 2017 5:37 pm

I see 4$/month and I think cool, for now I'll pay 8$ and subscribe 2 months, I charge my card, go in the subscribe page and I'm ready to pay and then find out that if I want only 2 months I need 16$, and the 4$/month only apply if I subscribe for 2 year.

You know that the 4$/month you show in the subscription page is extremely deceiving because there you don't state the condition under wich the 4$ payment apply and this really piss me off, because if you offer a good service (and I think you do) you don't need to employ this borderline shady marketing practices, you could at least specify in that page that 4$/month apply only under certain condition instead of having your users finding out at the moment they are ready to pay.

The situation is the same as 3-4 years ago and I had already complained about it then. now I don't feel like subscribing to you anymore just because I feel like you lied to me, is not that 8$ a month isn't a fair price (I think it is), what's wrong here is the way you try to sell yourself cheaper than the actual cost one has to pay is.

I hope noone here reply with an apology telling me how sorry you are for the inconvenient as it had already happened in the past, I don't care for how sorry you are, I JUST want you to be more transparent and conduct honest buiseness with you.

If you are truly sorry, please then, put the correct payment information UPFRONT.

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