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Learning Paths

Moderators: Moderator Team, Admin Team

New in Town
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Joined: March 29th, 2013 11:29 pm

Learning Paths

Postby peterm » September 11th, 2016 11:34 am

The new Learning Paths section offers personalised courses from "zero to fluency" yet there is absolutely no attempt to give any guidance on how the
paths suggested integrate with the standard audio lessons or whether they exist alone or as an additional menu of resouces to be selected according to need or interest.

I will do the latter but anyone new to this site could be forgiven for believing that the Learning Paths section was a fully comprehensive feature planning out one's entire study on this site.

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Re: Learning Paths

Postby team.relationships » September 28th, 2016 5:10 am

Hello Peter,

Thank you for posting.
In the Learning Path you'll find lesson collections which are related to a certain topic.
The lessons which are included in the collections are existing also on their own (not only exclusively in the list).
If you find a topic there what catches your interest, I think it would be a good starting point.
Otherwise, please check our methodology:

Let us know if you have any question.

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