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What is the use case for Word Bank, Flashcards as implemented?

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What is the use case for Word Bank, Flashcards as implemented?

Postby lordman_508244 » June 23rd, 2016 9:59 am

After a bit of a hiatus, I just recently got back into my regular study rhythm. However, I very quickly noticed why I hadn't spent as much time on JP101 as I would have liked: I feel like I don't entirely understand the use case for both the word bank and flashcards as they are implemented.

I suspect that I am just using these features incorrectly. Possibly I should add words to the word bank and then sync to flashcards or something like that, but since I haven't yet found an explicit recommendation on how to best use these features, I'm bringing up this point nonetheless.

1. Word Bank
What exactly is the purpose of this feature? I realize that I can save words that I have "learned" in it and that it gives me an overview of these, I suppose? The main upside I see is that it can be used to weed out duplicates, which seem to crop up quite regularly, but I haven't yet found a way to utilize it in any meaningful way.

2. Flashcards
Don't get me wrong, I fully understand how flashcards work (with a B.A. in Sinology, I suppose I better should), but the way they are implemented right now seems a bit odd to me. I'm mostly referring to the fact that the lessons' vocab sets are fairly rich in both redundant vocabulary and terms that are rather specific and, to someone of my level, not yet all that useful. There's also the matter of definitions sometimes being rather similar. Sure, these things can be sort of manually managed, but I'm not sure if that is the actual purpose of the feature.

Another tiny suggestion that is probably not tiny at all and has likely been brought up before: It would be great if I could export my flashcards to csv or any other format (which seems to be possible with the word bank, but not flashcard lists, but then again I might just have missed that) that I could use in external programs like Anki.

I'd appreciate any help and pointers!

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