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My Teacher messages

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My Teacher messages

Postby Kijimuna » September 24th, 2015 4:29 pm

I'm having a very hard time taking advantage of this feature. When I click on the link at the top of the website, I get this tiny box that looks like a facebook messenger window docked at the bottom right of the screen containing a wall of text. If I click the button to pop it out to its own window, the situation improves a little, but it's still a huge wall of text.

It would be nice if these messages showed up in a traditional email-style inbox. This facebook messenger-esque style of UI just doesn't work for this feature, in my opinion. Having all messages show up in-line makes it extremely hard to read for me. Call me old-fashioned, but I think an email inbox style of tracking messages back & forth with the teacher would be a HUGE improvement.

If I can't find a way to better take advantage of this feature, I probably won't continue to be a Premium+ member (opting for a simpler program instead). The most disappointing part of the current UI is that Yuki seems like a great guy that I'd like to interact with more. I could really use the help planning out my studies too.

I rarely use the Innovative Language App currently, but I'm planning to use it in the near future when I have more time for actively engaging with the lessons. At the moment, I don't see any way to interact with My Teacher in the App. This would also be a nice way to leverage Premium+ membership.

New in Town
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Joined: October 9th, 2013 8:15 am

Re: My Teacher messages

Postby pgbowman » September 29th, 2015 7:50 am

Hi Kijimuna,

Thank you very much for your message. We're currently looking into the way we structure communication between teacher and students through the Premium Plus service, and we thank you for your feedback.

Would you be able to email me at ? There might be some ways we can accommodate your way of learning under the existing Premium Plus service.

Thank you again.


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