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All decks are broken.

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All decks are broken.

Postby Kythyss_501387 » July 10th, 2015 3:19 am

Went to do my excercises for the day and all my decks are broken, they show "due today" and an amount of cards but when you click study they are all zeros.

The workaround for this is to go into edit and see which cards are reading zero open a second tab to the lesson itself verify the zero progress words should be in the lesson and then re-add them to the deck at which point they will revert back to 100% (unless they weren't 100% in the first place) then launch the deck and it should display that you have no cards for that day.

Needless to say I did not go thru my hundreds of decks to fix every one of them, the onus for this is on you Japanesepod101 to once and for all hire a programmer who does not consistently break your flashcards, my patience is growing thin.

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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby adelholtz_499460 » July 10th, 2015 12:41 pm

Hm yeah flashcards seem to be totally and absolutely broken this time around.

SRS is totally messed for me.
Had like 36 items marked as due now. Did one go through with 20 items and since then the deck is "not due".
Its the same for every deck.
Hence, flashcards are unusable right now.

Needless to say they never worked 100% well but it was ok and you could somehow work with them. Then there was this issue about half a year ago, where the flashcards were utterly broken, and after a few weeks...!! it was back to being less broken.
Now its even more broken and completely unusable.

Since i am an IT Professional myself, i find it really hard to understand how this can happen. It should not be possibly to break a running live system like this. Seems that there is complete lack of Quality Assurance or Software Testing. You need real talent to be able to brake a database like this...

if the lessons weren't so good i would completely ditch JapanesePod101 now. I am really disappointed with this situation.

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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby team.relationships » July 13th, 2015 2:55 am


Thank you for your e-mail. Please be informed that we have performed few maintenance and changes tasks. We hope to eliminate all the problems by the end of the week. Please kindly write to us at to report the issues.


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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby adelholtz_499460 » July 20th, 2015 12:17 pm

Flashcards are still broken. SRS is still broken.
Thus => Flashcards are unusable.
Wordbanks and 2000 Most common words are unusable.
Vocabulary Lists are unusable aso aso

Im tired of reporting those issues. As for the guys maintainig/programming this stuff...nothing left to say, maybe they should just get a new job where no computer technology is involved.

Have a nice day. I will now use other means of studying.

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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby patrick_harnett » July 22nd, 2015 9:50 pm


I've been away a couple of weeks (in Japan) and not had time to study. Today I open flashcards and my previously completed decks are showing random incomplete values - very confusing.

Like other comments, it is surprising that a feature that used to work (a year ago) keeps getting more and more broken. In December the "study all" option broke quite badly, and I used a work around.

I would like to remind Japanesepod101 (as would other users) that we are your paying customers and it is frustrating.


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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby scarecrow766_507016 » July 24th, 2015 2:19 am

I'm having this same problem and I also cannot make new decks. I really want to keep momentum on studying my vocabulary and this problem is beginning to get in the way of that. :shock:

Please help.

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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby jaehwi » July 31st, 2015 12:37 am

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your patience. For the issues related on the flashcards, could you send us the OS and browser version that you use and let us know at ? As this can be related to the individual deck, we'd like to get more specific information about the setting that you have.

We'll take a look at the issue closely and work on them with higher priority.

Thank you again,

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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby pervbate » July 31st, 2015 11:28 pm

Jpods flashcards are a lost cause. I gave up on them a long time ago. You can set up your own flashcards with anki. It's a little tedious at first, but it's much more efficient.

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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby team.relationships » August 6th, 2015 2:21 am


Thank you for your message. We are undergoing a deep renovation of flashcards.
Can you please report your issues (possibly with as much precision) to ?

Our team is permanently working on solving bugs.

Thank you in advance.


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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby Balsa1 » August 31st, 2015 5:32 am

will they be fixed soon? :?

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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby joshalexanderberg_503278 » September 4th, 2015 2:07 pm

Several months now and no improvement, just promises.I reported my specific hardware and issues, but to no avail. Disappointing.

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Re: All decks are broken.

Postby Balsa1 » October 29th, 2015 5:11 pm

a short period of improvement back to the old issues, percentage of learned cards going down after each revision :obake:

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