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Re: Is jpod dead?

Postby pervbate » December 17th, 2014 1:30 am

It's beyond ridiculous at this point. Some of the individual decks work okay, but I have a ton of decks with only one or two cards due, and since the flashcards take forever to load now, it makes studying very long and tedious. I still have a long time left on my membership, and I've been using other features that are still working, but the flashcards are a lost cause now. Sad really. This complete lack of customer service, and utter carelessness is incomprehensible.
Yes, this issue has been going on for well over a month now, and because nothing has been fixed, and they haven't even been so kind as to address the issue on the homepage or offer us Premium subscribers any kind of compensation (an extension of our memberships would be nice) for not being able to use premium features, it just goes to show they don't give a damn.
Last night, I noticed the voice recorder was not working properly either. Go figure.
I feel like addressing anymore tech issues will just go ignored except for the 'tell us about it in an e-mail' BS that we've been getting so far.
I even wonder if any of the team from the older series' are still with the company anymore. Hell, is Peter even still here? It sure does feel like this site is on it's way out of business.

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Re: Is jpod dead?

Postby laemus » December 17th, 2014 3:07 am

Yeah, I mean for all his mad, lecherous chats with Sakura and Natsuko, he seemed to have a genuine passion for creating something you could genuinely benefit from. I miss Yoshi and Takase more than anything, though.

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sites broken - refund

Postby Loki64_500765 » December 17th, 2014 9:42 am

ok its more than 3 month and flashcards are still broken. I have nothing to do in here because flascards was a main reason why i have subscribed. so i want to cancel my subscribtion and return my payment. i am subscribed for 6 month and only 2,5 month sites was working. right now - i don't think that flashcard deck will work any time soon, but even if so - my build up deck was totaly randomimized and is pretty much useless for me now.

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Re: Is jpod dead?

Postby Eran » December 19th, 2014 3:42 pm

Please accept our sincere apologies for the issues surrounding the flashcards. Our techs have identified the source cause of the issue and are working on a fix with very high priority. While I don't have an ETA for a fix, I can assure you that we will roll one out as soon as humanly possible. Thank you for your patience and continued support.

In the meantime, please email , we would be glad to offer an extension of your Premium subscription free of charge for all of the trouble!
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Eran Team Member
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Re: sites broken - refund

Postby Eran » December 19th, 2014 3:42 pm

Please accept our sincere apologies for the issues surrounding the flashcards. Our techs have identified the source cause of the issue and are working on a fix with very high priority. While I don't have an ETA for a fix, I can assure you that we will roll one out as soon as humanly possible. Thank you for your patience and continued support.

In the meantime, please email , we would be glad to offer an extension of your Premium subscription free of charge for all of the trouble or a full refund should you choose that option.
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Re: Is jpod dead?

Postby adelholtz_499460 » December 20th, 2014 12:11 pm

Hi Eran,

thanks for the update and the extension offer.

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Re: sites broken - refund

Postby Loki64_500765 » December 20th, 2014 4:53 pm

Eran wrote:Please accept our sincere apologies for the issues surrounding the flashcards. Our techs have identified the source cause of the issue and are working on a fix with very high priority. While I don't have an ETA for a fix, I can assure you that we will roll one out as soon as humanly possible. Thank you for your patience and continued support.

In the meantime, please email , we would be glad to offer an extension of your Premium subscription free of charge for all of the trouble or a full refund should you choose that option.

I am sure that this issue will be eventually fixed and i think another will appear eventualy, but main problem is that cards that i had there are rewrited and lost forever because i doubt that you have saved 3 month old backup of decks so i would have to build new one from scratch and that would take me weeks. I know it because i had to do month ago because of issues on this page. Right now i have replaced flashcard deck i had here with help of Anki app and there is no way i want to do it again(definitely not if have one already properly working). I am sorry but right now there is no point for me to be subscribed here :(

Eran Team Member
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Re: sites broken - refund

Postby Eran » December 20th, 2014 6:32 pm

Loki64 wrote:
Eran wrote:I am sorry but right now there is no point for me to be subscribed here :(

I completely understand. Please email our support department at for cancellation and full refund of your subscription.
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Can't find a flashcard word

Postby MicahT » December 22nd, 2014 9:17 am

I'm looking at Newbie Season 2 Lesson 15 and tried to import the flashcards but can't find one for 若い either in the preset lists or through the search. Is this a technical problem or was it not included in the flashcards?

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Re: Can't find a flashcard word

Postby team.relationships » December 24th, 2014 3:58 am

Hi MicahT,

Thank you for posting.
Yes, it is a technical issue, we are looking into that.
Let us know if you have questions regarding any of our lessons.

Sorry for the inconvenience it will be fixed soon.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby MicahT » December 24th, 2014 7:41 am

I'm getting problems with flashcards either not being able to be added or random flashcards being mixed into my decks. At this point "It will be fixed soon" doesn't sound reassuring since the issues seem to have been around for a long time now.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby dominicashmole1350 » December 29th, 2014 5:03 pm

Just to add that I'm affected by these issues too. At least the following:

"Study All" asks me to review 20 "recognition" cards that aren't due, rather than doing what it used to.
Extra cards have crept into many of my decks, which I'm having to delete manually.
Some decks (e.g. My Wordbank) can be worked on until no cards are due, but at the main Flashcard Dashboard they still show as having many (e.g. 50) cards due; try to study the deck and I find that zero are due.
Most decks report a slightly different number of cards due when actually worked on - often zero are due when the dashboard is reporting 2 or 3 due - most frustrating given that Study All isn't working.

Several of these problems have been present (at least for me) for many, many months.

Dear JapanesePod101: Is there a plan to fix this? This is, after all, the main feature that I feel I am paying for.

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Re: "Study All" in flashcards seems to be broken

Postby dominicashmole1350 » December 29th, 2014 5:09 pm

Dear JapanesePod101,

I don't seem to have had a reply to my email of June 29th.

The issue is still present (and some new issues seem to be arising - see separate thread).

Here's the text of my email of 6 months ago:

Hi there,

I posted on the technical forum and you asked me to contact you directly.

My account is XXX.

If I use the "Study All" deck, I'm invited to start reviewing 20 recognition (with Kana and Romaji) cards.

None of these are actually due when I examine my separate component decks.

This is making it inconvenient for my study, as I have to visit each of my large number of decks individually.

This is new behaviour - it used to work fine.

Best regards

Dominic Ashmole

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Re: "Study All" in flashcards seems to be broken

Postby pervbate » December 30th, 2014 9:49 am

Your post was as clear and direct as humanly possible yet the response is:

[Thank you for posting and for sharing your concerns with us.
We would love to help you solve this issue, could you please send us an email with all your details, to: ]

What else could you possibly say in an e-mail that you didn't already address here?

To be honest, I stopped using the flashcards. I've given up. I've been dealing with this same issue for a long time too, and explaining the issue here on the tech forum only gets me the same, 'Tell us in an e-mail' nonsense that you have gotten.

My advice for studying is to listen to the dialoug track over and over as much as you can, and use the line by line and the voice recorder everyday until your membership runs out and then take your business elsewhere.

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Re: "Study All" in flashcards seems to be broken

Postby MicahT » December 31st, 2014 7:19 am

From then until now there's still no fix. It's not just the Study All cards either, I'm getting random cards being placed into my decks now which weren't happening before.

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