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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby pervbate » December 5th, 2014 12:58 am

This flashcard issue has been ridiculous. This lack of customer service is unbelievable. I doubt I'll be renewing my membership.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby laemus » December 5th, 2014 7:48 am

They do seem to be the type of company whereby the only successful method of getting them to do anything is to threaten to stop giving them money.

I don't think I'll be renewing either - I just need to organize a new way to study with Anki or something, and deal with that slight inconvenience.

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Is jpod dead?

Postby adelholtz_499460 » December 7th, 2014 9:18 am


So we Arme getting no reactions on Posts in Feedback forums. No help for tech errors that recently occured in the Site. No reactions in Mails Concerning this.
On top of this the Forum gets overrun by spammers and i have not Seen Seen any active Staff in like Three days? So whats up? Company closing down? Not Monitoring the Forum any more?

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Re: Is jpod dead?

Postby team.relationships » December 9th, 2014 2:06 am

Hi adelholtz,

Thank you for posting.
We apologise for any inconvenience, we are working on solving the FlashCards issues and we have been taking care of the Spam.
Please, if you need technical information or help, send us an email to:


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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby pervbate » December 9th, 2014 10:27 am

And here we are well into December, and the flashcards are still a mess. Is your tech support team on strike or something?

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby laemus » December 9th, 2014 1:02 pm

They clearly don't give a shit at this point, which is quite depressing.

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Re: Is jpod dead?

Postby adelholtz_499460 » December 9th, 2014 4:21 pm

Hi Laura,

thank you for answering. :flower:
I really hope the issues will be solved in the near future cause the flashcard system is really helpful and works together really well with the lessons. It takes away the need to import all the vocab in an external system like anki and you really save time for studying.

I like this site and think that most of your content is great and well crafted (for this i would recommend it any time) but i really think you could/should improve your customer support and the way you deal with problems reported in the forums.
As a customer its very annoying when you get the feeling that your requests are beeing ignored or not taken seriously.

Last not least: shout out to Yuki for answering all our noob questions with patience and persistence :)


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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby adelholtz_499460 » December 9th, 2014 4:22 pm

see my post in the General Learn Japanese Forum for an update on this matter.

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Re: Is jpod dead?

Postby community.japanese » December 10th, 2014 1:33 am

Adelholtz さん、
Thank you for the comment.
I can answer questions related to the Japanese language and culture however, I am really sorry I am not an IT professional…
I believe our IT team have been trying hard for customers and will put more effort in it from now on, too.
Thank you very much for your patience.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby pervbate » December 10th, 2014 10:33 am

Your post was nice, but it was followed up with the same uninformed generic responses we've been getting here. `We know about the flashcards, tell us more iin an e-mail.' Why? The issue is already addressed by a number of subscribers right here in the 'tech issues' forum as it should be. How much more are they gonna learn through a friggin e-mail?
My god, these people probably couldn't even wipe their own asses without written instructions.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby laemus » December 10th, 2014 12:49 pm

I'd ask for compensation of some kind, considering how disruptive their incompetence has been to my studying - but I really think they just don't care about their customers at all.

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Re: Is jpod dead?

Postby laemus » December 10th, 2014 12:59 pm

I think you'd best check you still have an IT team, considering how dire things have been for the past few weeks.

I appreciate if things are messed up, and a generous amount of time is required to fix the problems on your end - but the level of customer care has been diabolical. At least give us actual updates as to what's happening, and when we can (honestly) expect things to be fixed.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby pervbate » December 10th, 2014 1:30 pm

They`re not gonna give you any compensation. I already asked about that earlier on this same thread. We pay extra to use premium features, but more often than not the premium features are down. This flashcard dilema is the worst yet. The flashcards often have problems, but I can recall the voice recorder not working for days, the line by line audio track not working, but until now everything has been fixed within a matter of a few days.
I live here in Tokyo, and for a country that prides itself on good customer service, Jpod gets an F minus. This would be normal in California, but Japan? Come on!
I especially like when you go to the tech issues of the forum and see this:

Can't get the new lesson to play? Having troubles downloading the supplemental material? Post your technical questions here, and we'll help you out.

Ha ha ha Helping me out how? Out the front door where I came in? That's about right because I'm not renewing my membership when it expires.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby laemus » December 15th, 2014 11:00 am

I've had enough.

Never in my life known anything as incompetent as the 'tech team'.


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Re: Is jpod dead?

Postby Kythyss_501387 » December 16th, 2014 9:57 pm

I can tell you this, I am losing my patience. I am now on a daily basis fixing decks that are changing themselves at random.
For example, Absolute beginner season 2-24. Yesterday as I was doing my cards, there was a word in the deck that I had never seen, it had replaced itself over the word ハイキング. So, yet again I went to delete and re-add the correct word back into my deck. However, I cannot do this since in the deck manager/lesson vocabulary/Absolute Beginner there is no Absolute Beginner Season 2. So, I went into the lesson itself and manually created the new deck myself. That was yesterday. Today as I went to do my cards the brand NEW deck I made and verified yesterday.... deleted and replaced two words ALREADY. ハイキング and さむい were replaced with ビール and はは. Below I have listed the vocabulary for AB 2-24.

ハイキング haikingu

たのしい tanoshii
fun, amusing;Adj(i)

でも demo
but, however

ただいま。 Tadaima
I'm home.

へんな hen na
weird, funny, strange, Adj(na)

さむい samui
cold ; Adj(i)

あたたかい atatakai
warm ;Adj(i)

かお kao

おかえりなさい okaerinasai
Welcome back., Welcome home.

つかれます tsukaremasu
to get tired, be fatigued with;V2

First, fix the deck manager so it lists Absolute Beginner Season 2, but second and most important. FIX THE DECKS, don't ask me to mail you again, I've mailed you about this issue before, I've posted in the tech support forum to no avail. This is now closing in on 2 months since I posted about this the first time. I am spending more time fixing decks then learning a language. If I sound angry it's because I am.

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