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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby Kythyss_501387 » November 30th, 2014 8:05 pm

I would be fine with the lesson changing and words being corrected as such. That is not the case however, these random words will get inserted into a lesson flashcard deck with no changes to the lesson, the vocabulary list or PDF to explain why they are there. Not only that but when I pull up the lesson in the editor I can see that the new word in question is not listed in the vocabulary when I use the add a new card feature.

I've also had decks add duplicates to itself. No, this is a code error as someone pointed out there was likely an attempt to "Improve" with unforseen consequences.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby pervbate » December 1st, 2014 1:48 am

The 'study all' deck is still a mess. The individual decks seem to be okay, but as I have hundreds of decks with only 1 or 2 cards due, it sure makes it one long tedious way to study.
This has been going on for more than 2 weeks now. What's going on over there? A notice or a bulletin on the homepage adressing this issue would be nice.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby laemus » December 1st, 2014 4:30 pm

This is an actual disgrace now, and shows how little they care for their subscribers.

Their premium subscribers, at that.

Study all? Have 20 recognition! So I did them, and then it actually looked like it had fixed itself afterwards for the next 20 in Study All. I went out of that, and into the area with all the decks, and then went back to Study All.

Surprise! 20 Recognition again!


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Re: Flash card decks are breaking/corrupted.

Postby laemus » December 1st, 2014 4:31 pm

It used to be worse, amazingly.

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can't add new flashcards to flashcard deck

Postby Loki64_500765 » December 1st, 2014 4:33 pm

after i add a new word it types import successful but even after i refresh site i can't see new card in specific flashcard deck. however, if start session of that flashcards deck, the card is in there.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby Loki64_500765 » December 1st, 2014 4:43 pm

it seems that whole their system is broken. there is lot more problems with flashcards that this. i wonder if that was because their updates, but if they dont fix it soon, our vocab deck will be pure pure garbage. Or maybe they are, because i am starting to have sometimes same word twice in one session, witch would mean that these two words are completely sepparate.

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Re: Flash card decks are breaking/corrupted.

Postby Loki64_500765 » December 1st, 2014 4:47 pm

laemus wrote:It used to be worse, amazingly.

u kidding - right ?! :(
can anybody can confirm it ?

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby adelholtz_499460 » December 1st, 2014 6:40 pm

Most of my decks now seem to be, miraculously, okayish...
Looks the decks i built myself are fixed for now. Core word lists still don't work as they should. If you import words from the wordbank into a deck, said deck does not work.
If you add words from the vocab section of the lessons into an existing, correctly working deck, this deck, and the newly added words will act correctly. SRS seems to be ok for those.

Still as i said, core wordlists and wordbank import of words do not work.
I really like using the jpod flashcard system due to the voiced cards and the built in (lesson integration) system. This was a big factor why i decided to subscribe to this site with a premium account. Core word lists are also usefull and neat but at the moment unusable which sucks.

I hope this gets fixed asap cause i'd hate to find/look for a different solution cause i really like the lessons and courses provided here...


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Re: Flash card decks are breaking/corrupted.

Postby laemus » December 2nd, 2014 12:52 am

Well, it was a long time ago, and it was a beta of sorts, but there was a similar system that they had up, which was (as far as I can tell) unceremoniously taken down one day and never put back up.

The new system is 100x better, but sadly it's totally buggered, as we know.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby laemus » December 2nd, 2014 5:04 pm

Another day of study completely lost.


I severely wish an alternative would spring up, as it'd be the only thing to get them off their asses and fix anything.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby Loki64_500765 » December 3rd, 2014 8:49 am

If anybody know about good substitution(working) for japanese flashcard site or program, could you please send me the name of site/app? it doesn't seems to be fix soon(or ever) in here. We basicly don't even know whats happening up there. But it doesnt matter anyway because even if they replied they would probably send that old generic message where is nothing new.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby Loki64_500765 » December 3rd, 2014 11:18 am

adelholtz wrote:im using this for my ipad right now
has an integrated flashcard system. You can either use their basic vocab lists or build some on your own. Its a bit tedious in the beginning if you have to migrate hundreds of words but once you are done its completely worth it.
You can choose between the Leitner and SRS system for your flashcards.
Overall its a good and solid app. Only downside is that the vocab is not voiced.

It's really is a big downside. But i must say that everything else looks REALLY amazing :). Thanks a lot! My vocab list on this site is after series of errors broken anyway. it's like every second word was altered and no person who read this will think that they would fix that(i'm not talking about issue that cause this). So creating new word list is inevitable anyway.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby Kythyss_501387 » December 3rd, 2014 7:04 pm

This is an option, if they don't get this fixed soon I may end up using it.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby Rob8763388 » December 4th, 2014 1:04 am

Yes, this (Anki) is what I am using now exclusively. I've had many problems over the months with the flashcards here, and after the recent database corruption issues I figured it was time to move on. I spent quite a bit of time learning how to use Anki and converting my main flashcard deck to that system. It took weeks of hard work but now that I'm done I'm better off, with a solid, reliable flashcard system. It's free and works on my PC and Android tablet and even syncs between the two.
But for those of you considering this approach, I should warn you that creating your own flashcard decks requires a fair amount of comfort with technical issues. There are many good publicly available Japanese language decks available, but these aren't going to match up very well with the Japanese lessons offered here. I would say that Anki is probably not the answer for 90% of you, so I really hope this website manages to fix things.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby Loki64_500765 » December 4th, 2014 8:06 am

Rob8763388 wrote:Yes, this (Anki) is what I am using now exclusively. I've had many problems over the months with the flashcards here, and after the recent database corruption issues I figured it was time to move on. I spent quite a bit of time learning how to use Anki and converting my main flashcard deck to that system. It took weeks of hard work but now that I'm done I'm better off, with a solid, reliable flashcard system. It's free and works on my PC and Android tablet and even syncs between the two.
But for those of you considering this approach, I should warn you that creating your own flashcard decks requires a fair amount of comfort with technical issues. There are many good publicly available Japanese language decks available, but these aren't going to match up very well with the Japanese lessons offered here. I would say that Anki is probably not the answer for 90% of you, so I really hope this website manages to fix things.

After few tutorials with Anki i have concluded that you can do even better vocab list in there. Most problematic thing was sound but after a while i figured out how to use sounds from another decks so anki is really best thing if you know how to work with it. Definitely if you want something for PC or tablet.

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