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Your favorite Japanese food?

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Postby CoryInJapan » November 4th, 2007 5:11 pm

natto=fremented beans.....its beans in a goowy slime like substence ....dont eat it by it over rice.

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Postby TheNationalPool » November 30th, 2007 1:18 pm

Soba with Tsu-Yu sauce is my fav. Although I was in Japantown in San Fran. recently and Katsu Don definitely warmed me up from a long walk.
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Postby hokushika » December 7th, 2007 4:26 am

Now that winter's arrived, I reckon you can't beat a hot, nutritious and filling nabe. Buta-Kimuchi is pretty good, but my absolute favorite is Kiritampo nabe

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Postby wolonpanda » December 15th, 2007 1:13 am

i like okanomiyaki since you can pretty much do anything
Nattou is not that bad i dont see why people dont like it :oops:
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Re: Sashimi Donburi

Postby visual_gaze » February 19th, 2009 5:06 am

arancarlisle wrote:
I also really liked okonomiyaki.

i LOVEEEE okonomiyaki. BEST food ever! anyone who goes to Japan has got to try it. it might sound strange or even odd, but its sooo good!

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Postby visual_gaze » February 19th, 2009 5:12 am

Also, curry in Japan is just....SO good. i love mixing it with my rice and basically anything with curry involved i will love. curry is probably one of the things i miss most about japan. ive tried having it here in the US but its no where near the same as Japans. the first thing im eating when i go back is curry with rice 8)

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Postby Taurus » February 19th, 2009 10:53 am

visual_gaze wrote:ive tried having it here in the US but its no where near the same as Japans.

It's actually pretty easy to make a Japanese curry, assuming you can get hold of the roux. In the UK you can get it here, for example - there may be an asian food store or something like that near you?

Once you've got the roux, it's simply a case of browning some meat in a pan, adding some vegetables (eg. carrots and potatoes) and adding water and simmering for a while. Then you add the roux and simmer for another while until it's nice and thick, and then serve it over rice MAKING SURE you leave some to have the next day, because reheated curry is WELL nice.

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Re: Sashimi Donburi

Postby fufutw » March 8th, 2009 4:33 pm

visual_gaze wrote:
arancarlisle wrote:
I also really liked okonomiyaki.

i LOVEEEE okonomiyaki. BEST food ever! anyone who goes to Japan has got to try it. it might sound strange or even odd, but its sooo good!

I like okonomiyaki, too..not good at making it tho..~ hehe :P
Its much better than monchayaki !!

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Postby aruja » May 9th, 2009 5:27 am

definately Unagi donburi
ichigo daifuku mochi
and taiyaki <3

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Postby aruja » May 9th, 2009 5:30 am

visual_gaze wrote:Also, curry in Japan is just....SO good. i love mixing it with my rice and basically anything with curry involved i will love. curry is probably one of the things i miss most about japan. ive tried having it here in the US but its no where near the same as Japans. the first thing im eating when i go back is curry with rice 8)

I know that one of the more well known brands of Japanese Curry is usually stocked in the international section of big Cub Foods stores.... ah I looked it up it's S&B Golden Curry... hope it's a help

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby tpgames3546 » June 29th, 2013 12:39 am

Sushi made my way (due to ridiculous food allergies). :lol:
FYI: I'm allergic to vinegar, wasabi, onions, carrots, celiac (gluten), alcohol.

If interested, this is my way:
I use vegan fried rice (vinegar free) with Bragg's liquid Amino (intense gluten free soy sauce), peas, spinach, mushrooms, ginger); bean sprouts and sweet baby bell peppers (red, orange, yellow) and roll it up in Nori. Sometimes I'll add tofu that I've fried in Ginger, olive oil and sesame oil. Then after its well browned, I'll add Bragg's and allow it to carmelize (in a very hot pan) for a few seconds then turn burner off. Then I'll add cloves, Sweet Basil and sometimes cardamom.

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby cloa513ch2629 » June 29th, 2013 8:34 am ... ds-1590505

Do you think this Bragg's Amino is good?

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby tpgames3546 » June 29th, 2013 3:50 pm

cloa513ch2629 wrote:

Do you think this Bragg's Amino is good?

Yes, I do! Its better than all Soy Sauces I've tried. The flavour is more intense. A little goes a long ways. And its pure soy with no added grains, salt or water. And, its the only Gluten Free Soy Sauce that has lots of flavour. Well worth the cost. :D

As far as all the negative hype about it:
It does NOT contain MSG. I do not have gout issues associated with it. HOWEVER, some people with gout react to Soy, salt, nightshades, cumin, coriander and spicy foods or foods that are too salty. Some people don't like how its made. I haven't reacted negatively to it, so I use it and am fine. Everyone needs to make up their own minds.

With my food allergies, its impossible for me to use MOST products because I literally can not have ANY alcohol whatsoever, in any amount. Thanks! :D

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby community.japanese » July 2nd, 2013 6:48 am

tpgames3546-san, cloa513ch2629-san,
wow :shock:
Thank you very much for sharing all the information!!
Now there're more people who can enjoy sushi! :mrgreen:


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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby chucksaturatedfat4862 » July 27th, 2013 2:10 am

It's hard to call out a favorite Japanese dish, but I can pin down tuna sashimi as being one of them. Egg sauce over rice is up there too as a deceptively simple dish that's perfect for campus life. Rice steamers are allowed, and the egg doesn't need to be cooked. Then there's Mont Blanc, which isn't technically Japanese, but there food culture relies on so many borrowed foods that Mont Blanc found its way in. I have to make the Mont Blanc myself though. It's almost non-existent in America despite the abundance of chestnuts.

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