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Can anyone recommend some good J-Rock?

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The Frankensteiner
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Postby The Frankensteiner » May 2nd, 2006 3:53 pm

Cibbo Matto is another great one.
Anyone listen to them?

Couple of Japanese girls from New York. On the second album "Stereo Type A", John Lennon's son Sean Lennon is part of the band. Highly recommended.

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Postby Ersby » May 2nd, 2006 6:39 pm

I've been searching around YouTube and found quite a few music videos. I've just discovered Dragon Ash. They're excellent!

I can only find two videos from The Pillows, though.

Anyway, it seems that YouTube is a useful "try before you buy" type thing.

One big surprise for me: On one of the Dragon Ash tracks ("Ley myself go", I think) there's a sample of someone saying "Yes, yes, y'all. And I don't stop". That's my friend from college, when he was in a band called Collapsed Lung! That was weird, hearing him on a J-rap video.

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Postby ali17 » May 25th, 2006 12:16 am

I have been listening to Shonin Knife it is more like indie rock but they have some really fun songs in English and in Japanese.

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Postby Stewie » June 20th, 2006 7:20 am

Well AZN Kung-Fu Gen is great. I also recommend Hyde, I'm going to one of their concerts in July.

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Postby rei-kun » August 22nd, 2006 11:42 pm

If you're looking for a way to find awesome music. *plug* check out */plug*
just search for J-Pop or whatever genre, title, keyword, whatever, and it'll show you all the artists/bands that meet that criteria. i like it because it offers a free radio app which will make playlists based on music you like. so if you listen to a lot of J-Pop it'll play more J-Pop. pretty awesome stuff.

but my personal favorite J-Rock band is Orange Range. I went to a bookstore in my city's intl. district and found racks of really inexpensive(in my opinion) cd's from Japan.

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Postby firstnamelastnamefirst101 » August 29th, 2006 9:04 pm

Asian kung fu generation's Rewrite (from the anime full metal alchemist) and AKFG's Flash Back are really good. (both really hard to play on the guitar)

Has anyone ever heard of Asobi Seksu. They have a lot of good ones (i'm happy but you don't like me and new years)

The FLCL soundtrack is awesome too.
Favorite Japanese songs: I'm happy but you don't like me by asobi seksu... rewrite by Asian Kungfu Generation... flashback by asian kungfu generation

Favorite anime: Inu-yasha, flcl, paranoia agent, ghost in the shell, s-cry-ed

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Postby dlai » August 30th, 2006 2:10 am

If you like J-Rock, you might want to look into Visual Kei (it's a genre). It's like J-Rock, but I guess the aritist dress up all gothlike and stuff. I don't quite understand the difference between J-Rock and Visual Kei, beyond how much they try to be over the top freaky.

I enjoy Dir En Grey's old stuff, like Yokan. Found a You Tube of their music video

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Postby animate » September 28th, 2006 11:53 pm

As a music lover, and someone who really loves music from Japan, let me give you a tip and say, "stop thinking in racial terms". Not trying to sound condescending here, but if you confine yourself to "I want J-Rock, but I want it to sound like [popular American group]," you're not going to get very far.

Looking over the recommendations that people have given I can see that you've gotten your feet wet. Yes, the Pillows are pretty good when they want to be, and hell, even Puffy (AmiYumi) is something I enjoy from time to time; these groups are all very bland though and don't really represent what Japan has to offer, musically. Here are some recommendations. Call this a crash course in Japanese rock:

First and foremost--Boris! Not only are they becoming increasingly popular in America, but they've been the world's best rock band for some years now. 2005's album, Pink, was definitely one of the highlights of the year, musically, and is something I really recommend. You say you don't want something "too heavy," but I'm telling you that you don't really know what you want---until you hear Boris. "Pink" is widely available in mainstream record stores (FYE, for example) and should be pretty easy to find. Do yourself a favor and pick it up ASAP.

After you've come to appreciate Boris, go and look for albums from High Rise, Ghost, Acid Mothers Temple, and Nagisa Ni Te. Nagisa Ni Te is highly accessible psych-rock; usually constructed with an acoustic underbelly and easy vocals. [Someone in a previous post had trouble hearing words in songs, but Nagisa is one group that I find very accessible in language as well.]

You could also try Michio Kurihara, who is also a member of the band Ghost. He put an album out a while back, "Sunset Notes", that is one of the most compelling solo guitar works I've heard in some time (excluding jazz records here). If you like that, search for Ghost's album "Snuffbox Immanence" and I'll let you thank me later.

If you're into more "classic" rock sounds, try Yoshida Takuro and Happy End. The latter appeard on the Lost in Translation soundtrack; they were around for only a brief time in the 1970's, but they put out some pretty interesting work; really accessible as well is Yoshida Takuro who was proclaimed "Japan's Wannabe Bob Dylan". Meh, that title is off-putting to someone like myself, but regardless--Mr. Yoshida put out some good work in his career.

If you like that, check out Kyu Sakamoto--the only native Japanese to ever hit the American charts. He did so in the early 60's with "Ue wo Muite Aruku," which was titled in America is "Sukiyaki". Your parents may remember it! My mom was the one who alerted me to his fame, and I enjoy his music. If anything, check out that single song and look up the lyrics--they're quite sad. He's also famous for dying in the world's worst plane crash. A sad ending to what would have probably been a prosperous life.

I have more knowledge and interest for avant-garde and jazz music, when concerning Japan, but I'll not rush you into anything you don't care for. If you'd like anything I listed above, send me a message and I will upload some samples for you. This goes for everyone else as well. : )

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Postby Ai » November 7th, 2006 5:30 am

If you like Ska-ish stuff, 175R is really good. :D
I also like Shakka Labbits, I have yet to buy a CD, but you can see them on YouTube. :D

I second all the Brilliant Green, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, and ORANGE RANGE suggestioins too. :D

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Postby ShinyaXDie » December 21st, 2006 7:21 pm

If you want to get into J-rock here are some of my favoirte bands:
Dir en grey
The Gazette
Alice nine
Malce Mizer
An Cafe

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not really rock

Postby JonB » December 22nd, 2006 3:48 am

J or otherwise but just about the only Japanese group I can stomach for more than a few bars is Love Physchodelico oh and Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra.


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Postby morochan » January 9th, 2007 10:32 pm

Try listening to 'High and Might Color' I love them, they are really good ^^

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Postby roquesdoodle » January 10th, 2007 7:21 pm

All of these suggestions are wonderful, but since people obviously have different tastes and there is such a wide variety of Japanese music out there, even within typical genres like J-Rock, I recommend subscribing to a podcast that plays a variety of styles and genres. One of my favorites is:

Though they focus mainly on J-Rock and J-Pop, they consistly play a wide variety from Visual Kei to "classic" Japanese pop music. You most likely won't enjoy everything you hear, but it will give you a chance to discover new music and new artists you may not hear about otherwise (it's where I first heard the song "Around the World" by Monkey Majik--sugoi!).

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Postby Rizu » January 15th, 2007 8:24 pm

Thanks for the suggestions! I had been looking for some new bands.

Just wanted to add 2 bands I didn't see mentioned. Luna Sea and Janne da Arc. Both have a lot of great songs. Luna Sea has disbanded, but I believe Janne da Arc is still together. Definitely check them both out!

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