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Sunflower Festival - Sayo - Hyogo

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Sunflower Festival - Sayo - Hyogo

Postby haibuihoang » July 24th, 2013 6:26 am

Last Sunday we travel to Sayo - Hyogo to attend Sunflower Festival here (Himawari Matsuri). The matsuri will last until 27 of this month (3 days left). From Kyoto, it tooks us nearly 4 hours to get there by train and we could spend only 1 hour enjoying the sunflower fields before we headed back, but it worth. I wish I can spend time here at dawn. The following are some photos that we took (they are not perfect because it was too sunny)


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Re: Sunflower Festival - Sayo - Hyogo

Postby videovillain » July 25th, 2013 6:20 pm


That's fantastic! I wish I could go there, but it would take me a lot longer to get there! I'm in Kanagawa!

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Re: Sunflower Festival - Sayo - Hyogo

Postby haibuihoang » July 26th, 2013 1:03 am

We dream of going to Lavender fields in Hokkaido, too. But it'd cost a considerable amount of money, and time :) Hope that someone already went there share their experience here.

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Re: Sunflower Festival - Sayo - Hyogo

Postby community.japanese » July 26th, 2013 3:49 am

haibuihoang-san, videovillain-san,
wow, that's lovely!!
Thank you very much for the photos :D

I've never been to Himawari field nor Lavendar field, but I'd really want to go
especially after seeing those photos! :mrgreen:


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