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Allergy-friendly restaurants?

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Allergy-friendly restaurants?

Postby Luyematsu5280 » May 4th, 2013 1:59 pm

Hi everyone!

I'm taking a vacation in Japan this summer with my husband and son, who has quite a few food allergies. Does anyone have any suggestions about restaurants or chains that are particularly good at understanding how to work around allergies?

My son has to avoid: milk and all milk products, eggs, sesame, nuts, peanuts

We'll be in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, Okayama, Osaka, and Matsumoto

I've seen the Survival Lessons about allergies--thanks JPOD! We speak nihongo well enough to get the general idea across. It just would be nice to have an idea ahead of time of any places that will make our search for safe meals easier.

Thank you!


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Re: Allergy-friendly restaurants?

Postby community.japanese » May 8th, 2013 1:12 pm

glad to know our lessons about allergy would be very helpful for you trip to Japan! :D
Recently, some chain restaurantes actually show "potential allegy activators" that are used in dishes, so
you can check that on the menu.
If you don't find any information like that, you can use the phrase you learnt and tell the shop assistants and/or
waiters that you've got allergy to some things.

Chain restaurants might have menus with such information, but I've never seen nuts and peanuts on it...
Hope you can successfully avoid any of those ingredients. The best would be to ask always with chefs, if possible.
Whenever you need helps, please feel free to ask us here! :)

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