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is visiting japan worth it?

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Postby Alpo » October 28th, 2007 5:38 am

Just wondering... but what has your father expressed about his travels to Japan?

Assuming you do plan on going. I'd suggest if you travel alone and not as a part of a guided tour, then planning an itinerary will be astronomically important to you.
Setting aside the notion that the itinerary will help you frame your budget, it's just my POV that having a travel plan and trying to stick to it will ensure you get out of your hotel each day. If you're the type who'd end up staying in their hotel rather then venturing about, then I'd say then that it might be considered a wasted trip.
Also in planning your itinerary, the research also becomes useful too. You learn basic geography, history lessons, cultural pointers, etc. that when you're actually in the country will make you feel more "clued in" to your surroundings instead of the fun killing "what the heck am I looking at/doing here?" quandry.

I hope you get to go and have a great time! :D

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My first post-Japan is worth the cost!

Postby jburman » December 21st, 2007 7:21 pm


I recently did some hiking in Japan, traveling on my own. It was worth it, and actually was less expensive than traveling in Europe or California. In Japan the food is not expensive, and absolutely amazing. The airfare is the big cost, not the actual value of goods and services in Japan.

Alll the best,
Gambatte kudasai! :idea:

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Postby Outkast » December 26th, 2007 12:55 pm

I'm currently studying in Oita (a medium-size city in Northern Kyuushuu) and the prices here are not bad at all. Somethings in Japan are really expensive (like peanut butter, ice cream, and pizza) but many other things have good prices IF you go to less urban areas. Expect to pay out the nose in Tokyo, but you can have tons of fun and amazing experiences in other areas which are MUCH more cheaper. For example, student dorming in Tokyo is usually $1000+. But here in Oita, my monthly rent is about $50~ Big difference, na?

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Postby Nagazul » March 14th, 2008 3:49 pm

Not sure if this question is still open for you, but anyhow I'll add my 2 cents here as well. :D

Definite YES it is worthwhile! Although I have the feelinge I forgot almost all japanese I learned here the day I arrived... it's just so much fun to see all these people, the places and so on... I can't believe that I'm already almost 2 weeks here near tokyo and have to leave soon. Actually I would prefer right now to stay here for some months/years.. There is just toooooo much what I'd like to see or do to squeeze it into the next week.

So if you're somehow into "japanese" for what reason ever, don't ask if it's worthwhile, just ask yourself WHEN you want to experience it first hand! ;)

I'll definitely come back! ... and hopefully better equipped languagewise! :D

my 2 cent!

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Postby punisher » June 10th, 2008 4:48 pm

I'll add mine too. I just got back.

If you want to play video games all day, stay home, save your money.

If you want to see the world, man this is one place you have to go.

I had a Japanese friend there. Penpal -> US Homestay -> now Family!!!!!
Their family treated us like we were kings.

My suggestion. If you are like me (rather be designing something new), and you have no friends there, think carefully. It might be boring.
Get a good Friend/Penpal in Japan. Build a relationship with them. When you go, they will want to go with you, and help you. I think this makes all the difference in the world. I'm not much of a tourist. Most of the time, my wife would be taking photos, I was making new friends. Man I met everybody!!! My idea of photos was with all the girls I met!!

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