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Extending Visa?

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Extending Visa?

Postby nyappyrebecca » June 3rd, 2009 3:42 am

I want to stay in Japan for 90 days because that's how long I would be allowed. But I'd like to try and stay longer if I can. I do not know if I will be a student or working at the time. If you are not a student or worker there, can you please tell me how I might be able to extend my visa?

If you are interested in studying, teaching, or translating Japanese please contact me.

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Postby elau1986 » June 3rd, 2009 9:40 am

I haven't done this myself, but many people take a short trip to Korea and then re-enter Japan as a tourist. However, Japanese immigration is quite aware of this, whether they will let you come back in or not, depends on the immigration officer (check out some stories posted on Gaijin Pot).

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Postby Belton » June 3rd, 2009 1:14 pm

The 90 day Temporary Visitor Visa doesn't allow you to work. I believe you might be restricted on study options as well. Some countries have an arrangement that allows you to extend the 90 day visa from within Japan. USA isn't one of them though.

You are best contacting the Japanese embassy where you live to find out what visa's you might be eligible for and how to apply for them. Usually to work you'd need a job offer from a company that will sponsor you, and to study an offer from an educational institute, then a certificate of eligibility is issued from the Ministry of Justice in Japan. Some countries have working holiday agreements with Japan.

I know people work on a temp visa but the work you'd be able to find would likely be low paid with zero benefits. Japan's economy has a bit of a problem at the moment (and foreign workers were amongst the first hit) so I'd guess the job market is fairly competitive and the spare cash to spend on English lessons might not be in great supply.

If you are of independent means and can prove this to an entry officer you just need to leave the country and re-enter again.
I've never had such close entries and exits and I might be in an age bracket they don't examine closely but since they introduced photos and fingerprints the entry officers don't even speak to me. Customs officers still do 'though.

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Postby nyappyrebecca » June 3rd, 2009 3:31 pm

@ Belton - well I know that you need a work visa in order to work in Japan, and I am aware of the economy issues. If I want a job I'd like to do something more like English conversation. But thanks for the info.

@ elau1986 - Since there is apart of Korea that is a threat to Americans, I'd like to try and avoid that. That's not the only reason I don't want to do that. I have heard of that but I don't think it's the safest method in my case. But thanks for the info.
If you are interested in studying, teaching, or translating Japanese please contact me.

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Postby elau1986 » June 4th, 2009 1:59 am

a working holiday visa seems to be ideal in your case, but I don't think Americans can get it.

even if your tourist visa expires after the 90 days, if you manage to find a full time job or become a full time student (i.e. you have a Japanese VISA sponsor) you can change your status from tourist to student/worker without having to leave Japan. The only pain is waiting for your certificate of eligibility, which takes a while :lol: .

and Belton is right, its really competitive at the moment in Japan and the English Teaching market is basically flooded. So be prepared :evil:

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Postby untmdsprt » June 9th, 2009 8:54 am

Americans can't get a working holiday visa, and the market is flooded. I had my visa renewed for 3 years and still had a hard time finding a job. I finally lucked out finding a part-time one at a jr high school.

I'm constantly studying Japanese because I'd like to be able to find a regular job once the market picks up again. I certainly don't plan to be an English teacher the rest of my life. The rewards just aren't there.

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