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Some minor concerns

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Some minor concerns

Postby Screw » December 28th, 2008 6:27 pm

I plan on going to Japan in a little over a year. I am very much enjoying studying the language and culture, hoping my trip will be just as fun and interesting.

This being said, i have a few small quesions...

One regarding beach etiquette in Japan. I live very close to beaches and go running on them early in the morning and would like to do so while in Japan. (i will be going in july)

Also, i am covered in tattoos.... arms, legs, etc.... most are cute and comical. I find very little talk about opinion of tattoos in Japan, so some opinions on how much i should try to hide them will be helpfull. (i don't want to offend anyone or be turned down at the door because of them)


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Postby jkid » January 2nd, 2009 3:13 pm

Tattoos are still viewed negativity overall in Japan. Although as pointed out in other threads on the subject people are starting to 'lighten up'.

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Postby Hikaritennyo » April 23rd, 2009 8:22 pm

Tattoos may be looked at negatively for Japanese, but foreigners may be considered cool with tattoos. Kind of a double standard, but tattoos mean Yakuza for Japanese.

Americans with tattoos will get alot of looks, and maybe a few questions, but they already consider you a foreigner- i.e. different. If you're still concerned, wear a shirt.

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Postby fufutw » April 25th, 2009 6:25 pm

I am not very sure, but I remember when I went to onsen (hot spring ) in Japan,
I saw a notice on the wall, said people with tattoo are not allowed to onsen,
but my Japanese comprehension is not good enough,that's why I am not sure if it is ture ?!

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