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Jinbocho Bookseller's District or Kinokuniya

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Jinbocho Bookseller's District or Kinokuniya

Postby jondesousa » October 6th, 2008 12:45 am

Hi All,

At the end of the month, I am going to Tokyo in a business trip for one week. I am hoping to stop at a bookstore (or two) to pick up some manga and study books. Could someone recommend whether I would be better off going to Kinokuniya bookstore or to the Jinbocho bookseller's district?

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.



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Postby hatch_jp » October 6th, 2008 11:42 am

These are the buggest bookstores in Tokyo.

1st ジュンク堂書店 池袋店(6600m3, 1.5M books)
  Junkudo Bookstore Ikebukuro branch

2nd 丸善 丸の内本店(5800m3, 1.2M books)
  Maruzen Marunouchi

3rd 紀伊國屋書店 新宿南店(4700m3, 1.2M books)
  Kinokuniya Bookstore Shinjuku South Branch ... 436/access

4th 三省堂書店 神田本店(4125m3, 0.7M books)

5th 八重洲ブックセンター(3960m3, 1.0M books)
  Yaesu Book Center

6th ジュンク堂書店 新宿店(3630m3, 0.9M books)
  Junkudo Bookstore Shinjuku branch

Jinbo area has lots of USED book stores. If you want new books, you should go other stores.
Last edited by hatch_jp on October 6th, 2008 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby erubiox » October 6th, 2008 1:18 pm

Hi Jon,

I'd recommend a regular book chain like Kinokuniya, Book First or Junkudo for what you're looking for. hatch_jp listed up some major locations in Tokyo, so check them out.

The Jinbocho shops are more for specialty books, very very old books, or valuable early editions. It's more for book connoisseurs than for practical use.

Hope you find what you need.


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Postby Belton » October 6th, 2008 1:56 pm

I don't know branches in Tokyo but Book Off is well worth a visit. It doesn't sell current titles but rather remainder and second hand books. They have lots of manga and they are much cheaper than new titles.
The biggest plus I think is that the manga aren't encased in cellophane. You can actually read them or browse them before buying, so you'll have a better idea if they are suitable.

I've found some learner books in Book Off but mainly books aimed at Japanese grade schoolers. For texts aimed at English speakers you're best off going to a large chain store, that usually seem to have a section with interesting titles.
It's worth having a look at the Japanese schoolbook section as well perhaps.

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Postby jondesousa » October 7th, 2008 3:31 pm

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your posts. I may still stop in the Bookseller's district to see if I can hunt down a few rare Iaido books I have been looking for. Otherwise, I will try a Book-off (which seem to be all over Tokyo) and Kinokuniya.

I really appreciate all of your help.



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