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Jack's Diary

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Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » October 28th, 2017 4:15 pm

I would like to use the forum to practice my Japanese language skills. I've finished Absolute Beginner Season 1 & 2 along with Newbie Season 1 and almost 2. I'd like the opportunity to use everything I've learned so far in posts here and would appreciate any feedback from anyone that finds any mistakes or that can give alternative advice.

I'll be mostly using Hiragana and Katakana at first but should slowly start to use Kanji also. :)



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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » October 29th, 2017 5:22 pm

おはようございます。 はじめまして。ぼくのなまえはジヤクです、いぎりすじんです。えいごのせんせいです、よんじゅいちさいです。よろしくおねがいします。

Basic introduction :)


Today, my main meal (dinner) was jacket potato, broccoli and lamb. It was delicious.


I drank orange juice.


Tomorrow I will go swimming.

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » October 30th, 2017 3:27 pm


Today, I went swimming.

スイミングプールにあゆみました (I'm trying to say I walked to the swimming pool.)
I went on foot.

For lunch I ate chicken and drank a Red Bull (energy drink)

Today the weather was cold but not windy and not rainy.

I wore a hat, jacket, jeans, sneakers and also a scarf.

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » October 31st, 2017 9:25 pm

WoOoOOooO! :obake:


Today is Halloween. I didn't see a ghost but I will see a horror movie. It's scary!

I think maybe my particles need correcting. :obake:

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » November 1st, 2017 1:56 pm


Today, I went shopping and swimming.

I bought my dad beer.

The name of the beer is Boddingtons.

Now, I'm studying Japanese.

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » November 1st, 2017 7:37 pm

Although I'm only a beginner, I think I'll try and use 2 verbs in a sentence one day.

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » November 2nd, 2017 7:09 pm

I'm trying to use で to function as "because" to say: Today, because it was cold, I didn't go swimming.

わたしのあさごはんは ふすまをたべました。ブラックコーヒーをのみました。ブラックコーヒーがすきです。
I ate bran for breakfast. I drank black coffee. I like black coffee.

ぼくはの ともだちは メール がしました。かれはちゅごくにすんでいます。(彼は中国に住んでいます)
I'm trying to say...
I emailed my friend. He lives in China.

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » November 3rd, 2017 8:59 pm

Today, I went shopping and swimming. (again :D)

わたしは ごご よんじ うち に かえりました。
I returned home at 4pm.

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby poyo1107 » November 4th, 2017 8:11 am

jack6251 wrote:おはようございます。 はじめまして。ぼくのなまえはジヤクです、いぎりすじんです。えいごのせんせいです、よんじゅいちさいです。よろしくおねがいします。

<-- ぼく is casual so it's better to use わたし for introduction. As your name is Jack you should write ジャック. Note that ジ plus the small ヤ combine to ja-Sound.

jack6251 wrote:きょう、ばんごはんはジャケットポテトとやさいもラムにくをたべした。おいしいです。

<-- here you made ばんごはん the subject. It should be either ばんごはんはジャケットポテトとやさいとラムにくでした。or (わたしは)ばんごはんジャケットポテトとやさいとラムにくをたべした。Talking about the past you have to write/say: おいしかったです。You get the past-form of い-adjectives by exchanging the last い with かった.

jack6251 wrote:きょうてんきはさむいとかぜのつよい、でもはれも。

<-- You need more structure in this sentence. と is not the right conjugation to use. Either use し、 or the て-form of さむい. You get the て-form of an い-adjective by first changing い to く (the adverbial form) and then add て.
Also you should use けど instead of でも because でも is more like "However, ..." and refers to the sentence before while けど links to the second clause.

jack6251 wrote:あした、私はスイミングプールに行きます。

<-- Japanese usually prefer the shortened form of a word (or they make their own weird abbreviations of foreign words) so better use プール instead of スイミングプール .

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » November 4th, 2017 10:17 am

Thank you for your feedback :)

You seem well above average with your knowledge of the Japanese language, I haven't encountered most of what you suggested as I'm still studying around the Absolute Beginner series of notes, which is how I'm making my sentences from PDF files of that level.

I'll study your advice and try to use it soon, thanks. ;)

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby poyo1107 » November 4th, 2017 10:56 am

jack6251 wrote:Thank you for your feedback :)

You seem well above average with your knowledge of the Japanese language, I haven't encountered most of what you suggested as I'm still studying around the Absolute Beginner series of notes, which is how I'm making my sentences from PDF files of that level.

I'll study your advice and try to use it soon, thanks. ;)

I see. Well, give it your best :) If I find time I will try and correct the rest as well ;)

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » November 4th, 2017 1:57 pm

I appreciate any guidance and/or suggestions of which topics would be good to form sentences with for beginners :)

I'm waiting for my visa documents to be processed and I should be flying to Japan in early 2018 to start a new English teaching position. Just now, I don't have a job as a part-time contract ended 2 weeks ago, so I have a lot of free time to study.

When I worked in Japan throughout 2016, studying the Japanese language wasn't as easy as it is now because I was super busy, then in my free time I was usually on my motorbike exploring Tochigi prefecture. Within most English teaching positions you're not allowed to speak Japanese so I relied too much on phone apps...I do not want to use an app ever again if possible, but I know once I start my new job I will be very busy again and worried I won't be able to find good quality study time on a regular basis. I do something every day with my Japanese studies and little by little I am improving but it's a slow process, but funnily I've learned more since leaving Japan than I did when I was in Japan, I just don't want to use an app again or communicate in English.

Anyway...apologies for only Hiragana, I will try harder with Kanji soon.

I'm at the library. From 2pm until 4pm, I will study Japanese.

Tonight, I will watch television with my dad. We will watch rugby.

It is the Rugby World Cup in Australia.

あした いぎりすの はいわいます。はなびのよるです。2017年11月5日/じゅいち-がつ, いつか.まいねん /まいとしです.
Tomorrow is a British celebration. It's firework night (Bonfire Night). Image
Last edited by jack6251 on November 5th, 2017 1:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » November 4th, 2017 5:12 pm

I think I'm spelling words wrong with Hiragana, I think there are some typos as I was using a Hiragana translator in the library. It was a little glitchy.

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » November 5th, 2017 7:39 pm

おはよう とうきょう
こんにちは ロンドン
こんばんは ニューヨーク


Excuse me. Where is Family Mart (I want 20 rice balls, beer, tomatoes, scissors, a hat and choclate!)

ますぐいって、ひだりにまがって。ますぐいって, つぎのしんごうを ひだりにまがってください。ひだりがわに みえるのは ファミリーマートです。
Go straight, turn left. Go straight, turn left at the traffic signal. You'll see Family Mart on your left.

ここ から ファミリーマートまで なんぷん です か。
How long does it take to get to Family Mart?

にふん ぐらい です。
It takes about 2 minutes.

This is the city of Utsunomiya. I worked next to Family Mart at the YMCA teaching English. I lived near here too for a year.

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Re: Jack's Diary

Postby jack6251 » November 6th, 2017 6:19 pm

Today I walked to the supermarket.

I only bought milk

じゅうぎょう を ききました
I listened to lessons.

わたしも きょう ここに かきました。
I also wrote here today.

I'm sticking to formal/polite language for a while longer unless it makes my sentences very wrong.

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