Today some more exercise to learn when to use the particles の、は、を。
(1)私の名前はサラヴァナンです。My name is Saravanan.
(2)校長の田中は今いません。The principal Mr.Tanaka isn't here now.
(3)私は勉強をします。I study.
(4)佐藤さんは新しい英語の先生です。 Sato is a new English teacher.
(5)佐藤先生は英語を教えます。Sato teaches English.
(6)皆さんこんにちは。Hello, everybody.
(7)私の祖父は校長先生をしていた。My grandfather used to be a principal.
(8)鈴木先生は良い先生だ。Suzuki is a good teacher.
(9)日曜日新しい車を買います。I am going to buy a new car on Sunday.
(10)英語がわかりますか。Do you understand English?
(11)兄は大学二年生だ。My brother is a second year student in college.
(12)鈴木先生は英語を教えています。Suzuki teaches English.
(13)こちらは田中太郎さんです。This is Taro Tanaka.
(14)自己紹介をおねがいします。Please introduce yourself.
(15)鈴木さんの友だち Suzuki's friend.
(16)私の友だちの名前もサラヴァナンです。My friend name is also Saravanan.
(17)これはあなたの? Is this yours?
(18)日本語の先生 Japanese teacher.
(19)さくらの木 Cherry blossom tree.
(20)シンガポールの車 Singapore Car
(21)木のテーブル Wooden table
(22)サラヴァナンの絵 a picture by Saravanan
(23)こちらは社長の佐藤さんです。This is the president Mr.Sato.
(24)私の友だちのグハンはシンガポール人です。 My friend Guhan is Singaporean.
(25)テーブルの上 on the table
(26)駅の前 in front of the station
Typing Japanese is much easier than writing

since most of the time the IME is selecting appropriate Kanji characters. I am using Google IME for Japanese on Windows 7. At home, I use "Kotoeri" IME that comes with Mac. My Kanji learning is very slow. Hope it will improve in the coming months. My kana reading is also slow (mentally reading letter by letter) although I do not have problem in identifying the sound of the given Kana letter (hiragana/katakana) when I see them. By the way, today is my 42nd day of learning Japanese.