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Is this readable?

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Is this readable?

Postby Promc34Bigpoint_504568 » February 23rd, 2015 5:13 pm


I'm just starting out learning hiragana, and was wondering if someone can read this picture and tell me if it's readable. I messed up a bit on the scale, as they aren't completly the same size. Note that it's just a, i, u, e, o, ka, ki, ku, ke, ko. So if you find something else, then I've messed up.



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Re: Is this readable?

Postby community.japanese » February 24th, 2015 6:49 am

Promc34Bigpoint san,
Konnichiwa. :)
Wow! I am impressed.
Some people don’t study letters and keep using Romaji however, it is said that reading, writing, speaking and listening is related each other.
If you study letters and characters, you can improve your other skills.
Regarding your writing, あ and う are neat :D others are also ok except お is the third from right on the third line. I think you forgot the last stroke. :wink:
Yuki 由紀
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