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Can anyone check for grammar, thanks!

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Can anyone check for grammar, thanks!

Postby natalie521521_501476 » September 3rd, 2014 2:11 pm

Hi all! Just preparing for upcoming interview with an Japanese company. Here's my speech and I will appreciate for correction. :) :kokoro:

This is my/a simple self-introduction:

I am always punctual and always come well-prepared:

I would like to make contribution to your company:

Thanks for today interveiw , nice to meet you all!

As an Japanese beginner, I would like to take a simply version, I do reserch and thats all I found!

One more thing, I used to learn pronunciation from online dictionary, something else good to recommend?

Thanks lotsssss! :kokoro: :kokoro:

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Re: Can anyone check for grammar, thanks!

Postby community.japanese » September 9th, 2014 6:05 am

natalie521521 san,

It seems you worked hard.

Here is the correction.

This is my/a simple self-introduction:

I am always punctual and always come well-prepared:

I would like to make contribution to your company:
御社に貢献し自分の目標を達成したいと思います Correct!

Thanks for today interview, nice to meet you all!
お会いできてうれしいです。本日はお時間をいただきありがとうございます。Just deleteん.

Have a look at online accent dictionary.


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