From now on, I'll simply stay with the Kanji!


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漢字の「傍」は「そば」です。英語に「next to, close by」と言います。
でも、漢字の「側」はも「そば」です。英語にも「next to, close by」と言います。
I'm wondering, that the two kanji 傍 and 側 mean exactly the same thing. They have even the same reading. So, what's the difference between them? When and why would I use the one, and when the other?
トラさん wrote:でも、「傍ら」という言葉を引いたら、Alternative kanji「側ら」も書いてあります。両方が使えるのはわからないけれど、一つが多分昔の使い方でしょうかな。
But, when I looked up the word 「傍ら」 , an alternative kanji 「側ら」was also given. I don't know why both can be used, but one may be an old usage.
community.japanese wrote:By the way, くろくまさん、 "question" is 質問(しつもん)![]()
設問(せつもん) is "question to exam", so it's appropriate for questionnaires and/or exams![]()
thegooseking wrote:くろくまさん、練習すろ始まります
はじまる/はじめる is one of those tricky intransitive/transitive pairs.
You can either say:-
練習しはじめます - I begin to practice. (い-form of する + はじめる)
練習がはじまります - Practice begins.
mewes6190 wrote:And I can never recall the conjunction that leads to 始め or まる.I have to find a mnenomic for that. Something like gama and shime ... I'll work on that.
thegooseking wrote:Just came up with it just now, but you can use film titles. There is a film called E.T., so the e sound is transitive and there is a film called A.I., so the a sound is intransitive.