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Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby ericf » April 7th, 2013 5:10 pm


To be honest I'd misremembered it as llamas in pyjamas go marching up the stairs! I don't know why.

The last line I'm least comfortable with. I suspect in Japanese it should at least say who's being caught, or who's catching, one or the other. As it is it's probably ambiguous. Should it be 冥々のうち? Is 冥々 a really uncommon character/expression? I don't know. I'm not even sure if the original nursery rhyme meant every tuesday or just one. でも、ライムを翻訳してみようと思った。Isn't it lucky that so many Japanese verbs end 'ru'!

Yes, ーてみる, means to try to do.

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby mmmason8967 » April 7th, 2013 5:35 pm

奈津子さん wrote:Where can we buy bulletproof pyjamas? :mrgreen:

Amazingly, there's a designer in Columbia called Miguel Cabellero who makes bulletproof clothing for wealthy people. It is said that he once made some bulletproof pyjamas, although I suspect it's not true. However, he has a website that includes bulletproof clothing and backpacks for children. :cry:

I know this is just a typo, but your PC changed kanji wrongly ...

Definitely the PC. Nothing to do with me. :roll:

Today's Word of the Day is 山脈 (sanmyaku, a mountain range).


あの さんみゃく は かんぜん に すいがら から つくられて います。

Ano sanmyaku wa kanzen ni suigara kara tsukurarete imasu.

That mountain range is made entirely out of cigarette butts.


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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » April 8th, 2013 2:54 am


Today's word is あせ(Ase) = Sweat

サッカーをやってる時、汗を目に入ってしまってボールが鼻をなぐりました。血がすごい出ました :lol:
When I was playing soccer, sweat got into my eyes and the ball hit my nose. Lots of blood came out. lol

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby paloma_ill » April 9th, 2013 4:38 am

Hi マイケル-san,

Thank you for your comment.
I've delivered the Word of the Day issue to your tech team and I will post again when I hear something from them :D

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » April 9th, 2013 5:54 am

Today's Phrase: 具合が悪い(ぐあいがわるい)= Sick (literally mean condition is bad)

Everyday he eats nothing but oily food so his condition gradually got worst.

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » April 9th, 2013 1:38 pm

Oh dear...I love this forum... :mrgreen: :lol:

> エリックさん、
「パジャマ姿のバナナ」・・・  :lol: :lol: :lol:
You made me imagine a very weird picture :mrgreen:
I'm actually not too sure about 冥々のうち :oops:
It seems it's one of the old Japanese (古典), or used more in lyrical old Japanese sentences.
「冥々のうち」 means "without knowing/noticing", and 冥々 itself means "dark" (descriptive usage).
冥々 is often accompanied by たる which is a conjugation of たり (kind of na-adjective in old Japanese).
Let's see what I can do with "bananas in pyjamas stepping down and get caught"...
I know this sentence has more descriptive and "old" or otherwise "formal" expressions like "にて", but
the meaning here is "I wait for bananas in pyjama on Tuesday, in the dark room where no one even enters".
(= Teddy bear went after bananas in pyjama unconsciously (without realising); it was already about the sunrise.)

:lol: This is perfect :lol:
We actually don't use kanji very often for ウニ; you can write it in katakana. :wink:

> マイケルさん、
:shock: bulletproof....well, actually, ....I'm quite sure I've already heard of it somewhere, some time ago...
I mean, not just the website you gave us (thanks for the link, btw), but I'm quite sure I've seen something like
bulletproof fashion. So I don't really doubt about "bulletproof pyjamas" now :mrgreen:

I really hope there's no such thing as 「吸殻山脈」... :lol:
Althought 吸殻山脈 seems to be disgusting, your sentence is grammatically perfect :mrgreen:

> ケビンさん、
おかえりなさ~い :blob:

Ouch...! :lol:
など、いろんな表現が考えられます :wink:
I bet blood was ...「鼻血」  :mrgreen:

油っぽい食べ物が続くと、たしかに具合が悪くなりますね・・・ :(
お酒を飲みすぎても次の日は具合が悪くなります :mrgreen:


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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby remillardn7528 » April 9th, 2013 5:35 pm

kyouiku wa daiji desu.
education is important.

Time machine? what time machine I have no idea what your talking about ehheheh

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby ericf » April 9th, 2013 10:49 pm

That's very useful.

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby paloma_ill » April 10th, 2013 1:14 am

mmmason8967 wrote:I've noticed that I seem to get the Word of the Day much later than other people posting in this thread. You posted that at 16:03GMT yesterday but I didn't get the-mail until 16 hours later, while I was at work. By the time I get home and see the WotD, you've already got the next one. I wonder why there's such a big time-lag?


Hi マイケル,

I just checked with our tech team, and they confirmed that all emails for Word of the Day are sent at the same time everyday (around 18:01-18:05 JST), and also for your email.
Please let us know when you have the same issue again.

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby mmmason8967 » April 10th, 2013 7:04 am

paloma_ill wrote:I just checked with our tech team, and they confirmed that all emails for Word of the Day are sent at the same time everyday (around 18:01-18:05 JST), and also for your email.

I don't think there is an issue. I receive the e-mail at around 18:10JST every day, a few minutes after the mail process is started. I guess that Facebook and the Blog are updated with Word of the Day around the same time.

The mystery is how remillardn7528-san knows what the Word of Day is at around 02:00JST, sixteen hours before the e-mail goes out. It looks like the next Word of the Day will be 教育 but there is still 2 hours until the e-mail goes out. Obviously, the only sensible explanation is that remillardn7528-san has a time-machine. :wink:


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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » April 10th, 2013 1:09 pm

mmmason8967 wrote:The mystery is how remillardn7528-san knows what the Word of Day is at around 02:00JST, sixteen hours before the e-mail goes out. It looks like the next Word of the Day will be 教育 but there is still 2 hours until the e-mail goes out. Obviously, the only sensible explanation is that remillardn7528-san has a time-machine. :wink:


I see no flaw in your logic :lol:
remillard7528-san must have a Doraemon!!! :oiwai:

Today's word: 教育(きょういく)=Education
Education is certainly important, but it is not the same throughout the world. It differs depending on region so you should study broad!



奈津子さん wrote:お酒を飲みすぎても次の日は具合が悪くなります

それは二日酔いという! :lol:

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby ashzehedgehog8725 » April 11th, 2013 12:50 am

> ashzehedgehog8725-san,
Oh No; please be very careful with "omae" and "omaetachi".
These are very blunt ways to address "you". You could sound offensive, bossy, dominant, or otherwise stuck-up
(looking down on others).
If anyone says "omae" to me, I usually go 「お前」って、誰に口きいてるつもり!?
meaning "who do you think you're speaking to" or "who do you think you are?"
So, as a message to Andy-san, you really shouldn't use "omae".
=> アンディーさん、あなたは面白いです。
Please remember always that it's very important to be respectful and polite in Japanese culture
way much more than being naturally casual.

Oh,,, I'm very sorry Natsuko-chan [and Anji-chan as well]. I really didn't know. I got omae from a book and I thought it was alright to use it. :[

Now I know to use it with close friends.

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » April 11th, 2013 5:20 am

I think today's word has already been used twice before

No worries I made similar mistake here as well. Main purpose of the forum is learning so don't be afraid of making mistakes. No one will blame you for it.

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby ericf » April 11th, 2013 11:03 am

WotD : クレジットカード

My spaceship's made entirely from expired credit cards. Won't you come for a ride?

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » April 12th, 2013 11:47 am

みなさん、こんにちは! :D
このフォーラムは、本当にすごい人気ですね :oiwai:

> remillardn7528-san,

パーフェクトです!That's perfect! :D

> エリックさん、
どういたしまして!私にも勉強になりました。ありがとう :mrgreen:

My spaceship's made entirely from expired credit cards. Won't you come for a ride?

:shock: I might be scared to take a ride; are you sure spaceship is actually not "expired" yet? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I understood your sentence as the spaceship was made from expired credit cards, not just partially but all the (maybe)
outer parts. It might be better if you say;
I think the best (natural) would be the last one.
This is a typical Japanese aspect, but sometimes a modifying word like 全体的に can allow the sentence to be understood in different ways. Unless you word 期限切れのクレジットカードを全体に使って or similar, 全体的に 
sounds more like modifying "expired credit cards".
It was a funny and difficult sentence! さすが、エリックさん 8)

> ケビンさん、
thank you for a kind comment for ashzehedgehog8725-san! :wink:

remillard7528-san must have a Doraemon!!! :oiwai:

Today's word: 教育(きょういく)=Education
Education is certainly important, but it is not the same throughout the world. It differs depending on region so you should study broad!

Right! It must be Doraemon's trick :mrgreen:

それは二日酔いという! :lol:

はい、そのとおり! :lol: :mrgreen:

> ashzehedgehog8725-san,
don't worry! The important thing is now you know it :wink:
And, like keven-san wrote, no one will blame you.
A lot of anime, manga, drama, and even novel could use a very currpt language, so it's always the best to
understand fully the meaning and usage before taking it into practice. Please feel free to ask us whenever you
are not very sure about words, phrases and/or expressions you learnt from other sources :wink:


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