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short translation help

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short translation help

Postby kageri » August 15th, 2010 9:02 am

I have problems with the translation of a novel title:


especially the tsuku is a problem. I can only find tsuku as a verb, but then it would have be placed at the end of the sentence.

Any ideas?


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Postby Belton » August 15th, 2010 12:48 pm

In Japanese verbs can directly modify nouns in a manner similar to relative clauses in English. So they don't necessarily only come at the end of a sentence.

this construction xxのつくzz
would be something like xx category zz, or xx series zz, or xx class yy

Now,( Maru Ma ㋮) M class ultimate weapon.
although you might go with demon 魔 instead of M

今度 seems to be part of an ascending series in these titles.
and ㋮のつく is also a constant like "Harry Potter and the... "

Titles are often difficult to translate.
so maybe,
"Now! the Ultimate ㋮ Demon Weapon!"
or just "The Ultimate Weapon!"

to put in url reference

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Been Around a Bit
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Postby kageri » August 15th, 2010 1:49 pm


Been Around a Bit
Posts: 41
Joined: November 16th, 2007 9:30 am

Postby kageri » August 25th, 2010 5:50 pm

I just add another question:


I figure out that this sentence roughly means "just get outta here"
but what exactly is this form, especially the "いっとれ~" at the end?

is いいから used similar to まあいいや?

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