This is an experiment.
I was thinking that it'd be an idea for Beginners to have a little practice that's not as daunting as the conversation threads. So...
Keeping to the topic, vocab list, and/or grammar points,
Each student can leave some example sentences here.
- If you use kanji please give furigana. 漢字[かんじ]
- If you only use hiragana use word breaks.
- Romaji is welcome too.
- Try to NOT use a dictionary but use words you already know.
- If you include an interesting new word, give an English definition.
- It's more important to try than to be right
Mistakes will be made, and are a good way to learn. Hopefully amongst ourselves we can correct them. Ideally an advanced learner or a native speaker might drop by and help out on this.
this thread:
Beginner Lesson 100 -- Golf Outing 1
see pdf (or listen carefully to the podcast!)
grammar points:
plain negative, のです
(extra credit if you can make something amusing or use multiple grammar points.

Edit: Changed the thread's title to fit with others