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diary in Japanese and make friends

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diary in Japanese and make friends

Postby geoge_dai » August 26th, 2008 12:35 pm

Hello All

On 8/10th, I opended Japan based SNS(like Skype) for seeking language learning opportunity.

you can write your diary in Japanese and your friends online can read your diary and comment it.
you will find friends who has same hobby of you.

It is just started this month and I would appreciate if you come and take a look at the website.
Thank you,


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Postby jaypunkrawk » August 26th, 2008 6:39 pm

I like the concept, but I think the website could look a bit nicer and easier to navigate. I'd love to help in any way I can. Granted I'm not a master web designer, but I can do some Flash stuff and some miscellaneous layout and graphics.

Overall, though, it's a great idea for those of us who do not have access to anyone in our daily lives who speak Japanese.


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Postby geoge_dai » August 28th, 2008 11:31 am


thank you for your message,
my idea of the site is cut the language boundary between English and Japanese.

Yes it is, navigation is what I want to improve.
to easily understand my site but to fully tell the content of the site...
(does that too much to want,,,)

flush would be a very good idea,
it can show lots of images of the site without scrolling,
if you can help me out that would be truly appreciated.
anyway thanks for your idea.


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