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Postby sherly_101 » February 6th, 2007 6:59 am


去年の2月ぐらいでJapanesepod101を初めて知っていましたが、たまにAUDIO PODCASTをダウンロードしかありません。だから、ポストのは初めてです。

会社では、日本人の同僚は私に日本語で話しかけるたびに、緊張しやすくなります。困ったな! :oops:


皆さんも、一緒に頑張ってくださいね。  :wink:

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Postby Migotona » February 7th, 2007 8:18 am

はじめまして。どうぞよろしく。ナチシャーさん (Natisha)です。わたしはアメリカジンです。わたしはにほんごがすこしわかります。すこしはなします。でも、まだじょじんじゃりますえん。


Side note: I have been self teaching for two years now and only know the basics lol. I will keep at it! I love the podcasts, they help tremendously with pronunciation!

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Postby sarahg » February 8th, 2007 9:02 am

はじめまして、 ナチシャさん。 そう、 あなたは アメリカじん ですね。 わたしは アストラリアンじん。 日本語は すこい ですね。 おげんきですか?

This forum is such a great way to practice -- nobody minds if all my conversations are very similar and simple :)

-- セイラ

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Postby grey » February 16th, 2007 5:20 am

sherly_101 wrote:...

私もこういう経験です!七年も勉強していますけど、日本人と日本語で話すと、凄く緊張します。もしかして、日本に行けば、日本語能力は上達できますね。。。でも今まで行ったことが一度もありません。。。 :cry: :cry:


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Postby osekihan » March 7th, 2007 4:14 am


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Postby Alan » March 8th, 2007 1:26 am


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Postby osekihan » March 9th, 2007 12:06 am


みんあさんはどうですか。 私はちょうと病気です。

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Postby grey » March 9th, 2007 2:38 am


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Postby Garyuchin » April 7th, 2007 8:00 pm

こん にち

 わたくし 寂び路スタンともします 



(I hope I got that lot right)

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Postby 如奈山 » April 9th, 2007 9:41 am



Stan, a few things I should point out. First, when you say こんにちは you should keep it in hiragana. Writing 今日は, although it technically could be read as what you intended (and hence why IME offers it as a possible choice), is normally read as きょうは ("as for today"). For your name introduction, the verb is 申す(もうす), with a long O. The わたくし probably also isn't needed, but if you're going to use it, you should use the は particle. I'm not quite sure what you were trying to say when you said: スタンでゆうんだ. From the context, I'm guessing it's something like "Call me Stan," in which case I think スタンと言ってください would suffice. Finally, unless I've just never heard the expression before, I don't think the last line is correct. I think it should be よろしくお願いします.

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Postby Garyuchin » April 9th, 2007 8:48 pm

Ah, very helpful that is 如奈山さん. (hmmm.... 山 and さん together like that just don't look right.)

Watakushi (according to my books) is supposed to be used without the は particle, but I'm willing to believe everything books tell me anyway. (I'm being buzzed by flying turtles here.) (just in case, Pigs might fly = turtles can fly)

I'm kicking myself for that bit with the kanji for こんにち - such a first day student's mistake.

スタンと言ってください - a much more polite invitation than the "call me Stan" that I was attempting to use (whether or not I got it right.) I'll file this one.... ummm... the reading for 言 here is 「い」でしょう

The last line is 関西弁 (かんさいべん)and even at that, probably wouldn't be said by any young person (so I am told) these days. As far as I can tell, it means something along the lines of "10 000 pleasures."

はじめまして yep, know that one
、ジョナサンで、 Jonathon(?)
1年4月間ぐらいから、 first year, since april(?)
日本語を勉強しています。、 have been studying Japanese language
へえェええ 。。。うそまじ even if that means "since April last year, your standard is somewhat better than I would expect.

ホームステーファミリーのよると名前の漢字はそうだ それはどれほど 「family」の書き込みにです
「如奈山」だそうなので、エイリアスにそれを使います。I take that to mean you are adopting your host family's name as an alias, but I can't establish what the name is.
趣味はアニメやピアノをやった アニメのおたくが自分もしかしバリトンを吹きとして(さえ or should that be だけ)
弾くことや読むことです。そして、もちろん日本語を勉強することもあります。 はい 了承しています


and as you will be aware, even if you weren't before, your standard is way ahead of mine.

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Postby 如奈山 » April 10th, 2007 12:04 am

Yeah, in romaji my name, Jonathan, would be Jonasan, which after adding in titles could potentially be said as Jonasan-san. My homestay family found that rather amusing, to say the least.

わたくし doesn't use a subject particle? That's the first I've ever heard that. While I'm aware that particles can be omitted in conversation as a matter of informality, わたくし, as you probably already are well aware, is a very formal word referring to oneself. As such, I would think that the standard rules indicating subject would apply. Incidentally, what book did you read that from?

As for スタンと言ってください I don't think it's too terribly polite. I've always thought of it as a pretty neutral expression, polite, but nothing like, say, スタンと申していただけませんか。And considering that in the previous sentence you used 申すas your self-introduction verb, which is really polite, going to a really informal style seems inconsistent, don't you think? Even so, if you wanted to be more informal, I suppose you could omit the ください from the phrase or replace it with くれ, but I'm pretty sure both of those are pretty rude unless you know the people you're speaking to quite well. So, for introducing yourself to strangers, I'm not sure that this would ever be appropriate...

In any case, I'm still puzzled over the form that you used. I found ゆう as an alternative reading for 言う, but to be honest, I'm not sure how to distinguish it from the more common いう. That aside, though, while I've seen the ~んだ (のだ)form before, I've only ever used it used in explanations for things. For instance: 田中:どうして遅いの?山本:事故があったんだよ。Tanaka: "Why are you late?" Yamamoto: "The thing is, there was an accident." But as far as using that form to make a request, I've never seen it used this way. If you don't mind, please explain this phrase and the rule behind it.

As for my introduction, I wrote that off the top of my head without double-checking my textbooks on some concepts that I may need to be refreshed on, so there are no doubt errors. Here's what I was trying to say, though:

Greetings, I'm Jonathan and I've been studying Japanese for about 1 year and 4 months.
According to my homestay family, the kanji of my name are "如奈山" so I'm using that as my alias.
My hobbies are, among other things, anime, playing the piano, and reading. And, of course, there is also studying Japanese.

In retrospect, I see two errors in my introduction. First, as you already noticed, where I say 1年4月間ぐらいから I think it should have been 1年間4ヶ月ぐらいから since the ヶ is needed to make it よんかげつ (four months), as in 1 year and 4 months, which is what I meant to say. For some reason, I was thinking just tacking 間 (かん) on to the end of the time period would change the whole thing to an amount of time. Oh well.

The other error I made is with the phrase: ホームステーファミリーのよると名前の漢字は「如奈山」だそうなので. I attached そうな(modified form of そうだ) to indicate that I'd heard it from them, but I'm now I'm not so sure that this was actually necessary.

One final note, 如奈山 is just one possible combination of kanji that could be read as じょなさん. So it isn't my family's name; it's my name, which my homestay family in Japan came up with for fun. 如=じょ 奈=な 山=さん.

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Postby Garyuchin » April 10th, 2007 5:22 am

こんにちは 如奈山くん

As I recall  わたくし was said to not use the は particle because it automatically implies は unless otherwise stated. If I remember rightly it comes more properly under the heading of elegant rather than formal, but don't quote me. I have only seen (or noticed, anyway) it once in a Japanese text: on that occasion it did not carry the particle. 漫画の「ああ 女神さま」In the anime, 「わたくし」 was spoken with a noticable pause between it and the next words 「女神のベルダンでイともします」by title (don't know the correct phrasing for that bit). On the few other occasions that I have seen it, written by other learners, the particle was used. As to the book that explained the usage of わたくし - (eyeing bookshelf) hmmm.... that might take a while to find, I'll do a rummage when time is less at a premium.

You'd be right about くれ I think... from what I have been able to work out it seems to be a semi-imperative.

「でゆうんだ」I might have mis-heard, but it is used with reasonable frequency in anime. Going by feel only, not having seen any formalised rule, I assume the style is used as an appropriate match for the very informal means of addressing a person by first name. (now wondering if that だ might not be で or even な). As to identifying ゆう, (again going by feel rather than by instruction) I think its like the difference between 今日(きょう)・こんにち 言う(いう)・ゆう

I was able to come up with Kanji for my surname, but not my first: my daughter, Erin, got 笑鈴 (the え of えがお and the  りん of ふうりん)

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Postby 如奈山 » April 10th, 2007 6:24 am




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Postby Garyuchin » April 10th, 2007 5:48 pm

教科書だけから学ぶなら 教科書のように話すだろう 惜しいことに

I'm sure I messed that up, but "learn from textbooks only: speak like a textbook. Regrettable." is what it is meant to say.

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