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I hate my textbook...

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I hate my textbook...

Postby karavshin » February 17th, 2007 1:56 pm

I hate my japanese language textbook. It's 100% japanese, there are no extra lessons. I detest it in fact. I need to practice more, so I am working back through the lesson trying to make up sentences to practice the stuff we've learned (grammar and vocabulary). Happy if anyone wants to double check the sentences and fragments I made. None of it's very interesting, I'm just trying to generate practice for the various vocab and grammar points.

Is michael American?

Michael  はァメリカじン ですか?

Yes michael is american.

はい michael は ァメリカじん です。

No michael is english.

いいえ michael は イギリスじん です。

Is ling also english?

Ling も イギリス ですか?

No, she is not english either.

いいえ ling は イギリスじん でわありません。

Textbook about indonesian language

インドご の きょうかしょ 

Magazine about motorycles

ォートバイ の ざうし

A tape about mathematics

すうだく の テープ

A malaysian dictionary

マレご の じしょ 

employee from sony

sony の かいしやいん

A woman from school

がうこう の おんな

Man from the post office

ゆびんきょく の おとこ

Teacher from the hospital

びょういん の せんせい。

My radio

わたし の ラジオ

Roger’s hat

Roger の ばうし

Teacher is a male

せんせい は おとこ です。

Sato is also japanese

さとさん も にほんじん です。

Ling’s clock.

Ling の とけい 

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Re: I hate my textbook...

Postby Psy » February 18th, 2007 6:25 am

karavshin wrote:Is michael American?
Michael  はメリカじン ですか?

Yes michael is american.
はい michael は メリカじん です。

Should be a large ア.

No michael is english.
いいえ michael は イギリスじん です。
Is ling also english?
Ling も イギリス ですか?
No, she is not english either.
いいえ ling  イギリスじん でありません。

Should be も and は, respectively.

Textbook about indonesian language
インドご の きょうかしょ 
Magazine about motorycles
ートバイ の ざうし

オ should be large and ざっし is magazine.

A tape about mathematics
すうだく の テープ

Should be すうがく.

A malaysian dictionary
マレご の じしょ 

Long vowel: マレーご

employee from sony
sony の かいしやいん

Small や. かいしゃいん.

A woman from school
がうこう の おんな

がっこう not がうこう.

Man from the post office
ゆびんきょく の おとこ

Another long vowel: ゆうびんきょく

Teacher from the hospital
びょういん の せんせい。
My radio
わたし の ラジオ
Roger’s hat
Roger の ばうし

Hat = ぼうし not ばうし.

Teacher is a male
せんせい は おとこ です。

Understood, but だんせい is "male" and おこと is "man."

Sato is also japanese
さとさん も にほんじん です。

The name Sato uses a long vowel: さとう.
Ling’s clock.
Ling の とけい 

You've got a bit of work ahead of you. Understanding and correctly utilizing the pauses, timings and long vowels are critical in speaking proper Japanese. Take note of all the corrections I've made here, and be sure to focus on them.


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Postby karavshin » February 18th, 2007 8:10 am

thanks for the corrections.

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Postby annie » February 18th, 2007 12:27 pm


インド is Indian
インドネシア is Indonesia

Remember that when you're making up sentences, the more personal they are the better. Though, that's harder when you don't have a lot of vocab to work with.

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Postby Bueller_007 » February 19th, 2007 3:54 am

Also, there's no such thing as インド語. That's something that Japanese people who don't know any better say.

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Postby Tom » February 20th, 2007 3:07 am

Bueller_007 wrote:Also, there's no such thing as インド語. That's something that Japanese people who don't know any better say.

What would the people who know better say? (Sorry if I missed it.)
By the way, I made it to Japan

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Postby annie » February 20th, 2007 3:25 am

Tom wrote:
Bueller_007 wrote:Also, there's no such thing as インド語. That's something that Japanese people who don't know any better say.

What would the people who know better say? (Sorry if I missed it.)

Well, that's what happens when I post after a weekend of snowboarding and little sleep.

Technically, even in English there's no such thing as Indian language.
Hindi is the most widely spoken language in India, I think. There's also Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali... That's about all that I can remember from the days when I was really into literature from India.

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