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I don't know where to start Absolute Beginner or Beginner

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I don't know where to start Absolute Beginner or Beginner

Postby thangtamfive_517462 » July 29th, 2017 5:19 pm

I don't know where to start. I don't know if I should be doing the lessons in Absolute Beginner or Beginner. I really do not know the difference between the two. I don't just want to memorize "canned" phrases. I want to learn everything: vocabulary, grammer, culture, idioms, idiomatic expressions, slang, etc. So, where is the best place to start ... and why?

Nguyen Tam

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Re: I don't know where to start Absolute Beginner or Beginner

Postby team.relationships » July 29th, 2017 11:14 pm

Hi Nguyen Tam,

Thank you for contacting us about this. Are you an absolute beginner? If you are and you have no experience with Japanese at all, we suggest you start with the very basics: the alphabet and how to read and write Japanese. There is a whole series dedicated to the alphabet and learning how to write, so please consider starting there.

Another series that is worth watching really early in your Japanese learning is our pronunciation-related lessons.
You would then be ready to start with one of our main series, the Absolute Beginner series.

The next step would be the Beginner series, then the Upper Beginner, the Lower Intermediate, Intermediate, and finally the Upper Intermediate series. Each lesson of these series contains a dialogue and focuses on grammar, vocabulary, vocabulary usage, sample sentences and cultural notes.

In between these series, you can of course listen or watch other series too, depending on what appeals to you and your needs. However, the core grammar is found on the aforementioned series.

Should you need extra help with grammar, check out our grammar banks:

As for enriching your vocabulary, you can check out the vocabulary lists:
We're constantly adding new content. Check out the other options under the menu ""Vocabulary"" as well.

We hope this is helpful. If you have any more questions about the website or Japanese, don't hesitate to contact us again.

Wishing you all the best!

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Re: I don't know where to start Absolute Beginner or Beginner

Postby metalosaurio_515346 » August 1st, 2017 7:26 am

Hi Nguyen Tam,

If you've actually no experience with japanese, then the absolute begginner it's the place to start. But before that there's is the alphabet, wich is the very basic first step.

So. Go to , practice a bit with the until you recognize the Kana (should take you about a week I would think). There're are different video series to cover both Hiragana and Katakana, any of those should be ok. Make your self with some practice sheets, and write them a few times. So, I think before trying to start grammar or anything else you have to make your self with the tools to actually read, so you can really take advantage of the lessons. You can listen to some of the culture classes in the introduction (audio series) get your self enthusiastic about you learning a new language during that week as well.

After that week then absolute begginner is the place..... and here's where the good stuff is.
I would have to say that for learning japanese there're very few places with so much quality material over the internet as Japanesepod101 has. BUT (of course there's a but) the order and logical progression to advance with the material provided is not that clear.... You would think.... Oh.... I'm an absolute begginner.... so if there's a Season 1 to season 5.... a logical order would be that first 1 up to 5, right?.... NO. It ain't. Over the website there's a lot of overlapping material and re-started series. Season numbers are related to the chronological order the existed, not the topics covered.

I guess it depends on your purpose. Learning a language just to say a few phrases to get you through a trip.... a bussines meeting... or maybe learn the language more in depth because you actually wan't to know the culture a talk with japanese people.

I'm learning out of interest for the culture and planning to make it into a long project to actually being able to speak it and read it correctly, over the course of a few years. If you are planning to take your time as well and learn it from scratch, I would recommend . You will find a review of the japanesepod101 series and a recommendation to follow a somewhat logical order. This really changed my aproach to the website and I'm really enjoying the material much more after realizing what's what in the website.

Anyways, good luck!!

Best Regards.

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Re: I don't know where to start Absolute Beginner or Beginner

Postby LeesaJohnson » October 14th, 2017 6:19 am

If you are a starter in Language learning then it is must for you to learn Japanese vocabulary also do proper pronunciation. It will make your Japanese on a high level. Also, read books of experts will give an added advantage.

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Re: I don't know where to start Absolute Beginner or Beginner

Postby adachoi » November 10th, 2017 12:25 pm

As per beginner level, you must focus on the basics. Basics will help you to learn the language more fluently. There are many courses offered for beginner level learning can choose one of them. Online video tutorials are also present on the web. In my case I bought Hiragana Flash Cards by Caria, it helped me in clearing my basics & learning of the language even better.

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Re: I don't know where to start Absolute Beginner or Beginner

Postby community.japanese » February 6th, 2018 1:40 am

Hi LeesaJohnson and adachoi,

Thank you for your comment and great advice! I'm glad to see users help each other with nice comments! :D

Miki H

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