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Best place to start with the Beginner Series?

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Best place to start with the Beginner Series?

Postby ems009 » June 27th, 2017 1:46 am

I'm finishing up the Lower Beginner series and wondering where would be a good place to start for the Beginner lessons. Since the description of season 4 says it takes up after the Nihongo-Dojo series, would it be better to start there or from season 1? In the end I'll probably end up doing them all, but curious what would be the easiest transition between the Absolute Beginner/Lower Beginner and Beginner series would be.

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Re: Best place to start with the Beginner Series?

Postby motoko.innovative » August 20th, 2017 11:59 pm

ems009-san konnichiwa,

Thank you for your post!
Good question. :) As you mentioned, we recommend Nihongo Dojo series, but the Beginner part.
It contains Beginner series Season 4, 5, and 6.
You can follow these 3 series easily by adding Learning Paths "Nihongo Dojo: Beginner" to your My Pathway.
Of course you can study them one by one. :)

Have you had a look at Learning Paths? It's a new way to find the best lessons for you!
Click LESSONS menu on top, select LEARNING PATHS. You'll find various Pathways on each level.
Open a Learning PATHS page, and click 'Add to Dashboard' button. You can see the lesson button on Dashboard and access to the lessons easily!

Hope this helps,

P.S. After studying Beginner series Season 6, I recommend Lower Intermediate series Season 6. It's a bridge course from Beginner to Lower Intermediate level. :)
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