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なので or ですので?

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なので or ですので?

Postby thegooseking » May 13th, 2016 5:37 pm


I know that な- and の-adjectives take なのです instead of just のです if you're trying to soften the sentence.

I think (but I'm not 100% sure) that the conjunction ので is just the て-form of のです, so would it also take a な for な- and の-adjectives?

Or would you use ですので, like you would ですから? (My grammar book calls ので and から "essentially interchangeable" in this context.)


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Re: なので or ですので?

Postby mmmason8967 » May 20th, 2016 9:28 pm


My understanding of the way のです works is that the verb that comes just before it needs to be in plain form, and if the verb is だ you replace it with な. So your first sentence would probably have started out as 綾音さんは病気です and to add のです you change the polite です to the plain だ, then you have to change that だ to な and so you end up with 綾音さんは病気なのです (which is what you had for different reasons).

I'm pretty sure you're right about ので being the continuative form of のです. That being the case, it would work exactly the same way (です ⇒ だ ⇒ な), so I think the longer sentence would be your first version: 綾音さんは病気なので、今日学校にきないとおもいます。


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Re: なので or ですので?

Postby thegooseking » May 21st, 2016 12:26 am


Huh, I never looked at it as な replacing だ, but it makes sense. I was thinking of の as a pronoun, のです really being the main clause, and the rest of the sentence being a subordinate clause to describe that pronoun (this is essentially the same way の works as a verb nominaliser - under the hood, it's actually a pronoun (or quasi-pronoun, if you prefer) described by a subordinate clause). As we know, subordinate clauses cannot end in だ or です, so that would explain replacing it with な.


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Re: なので or ですので?

Postby community.japanese » May 24th, 2016 10:25 pm

こんにちは。 :)
Yuki  由紀

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