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Japanese Translated to English Help

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Japanese Translated to English Help

Postby KattyPear » April 29th, 2016 2:33 am

Greetings! So this was written in the description of an art video about a show called 'Owari no Seraph', but I'm having a little trouble understanding it, considering the girl who wrote it is still studying Japanese as well *>w<*
I was wondering if it made ANY sense to you lovely people?


えとえとえとほら!!! TnT
遅れてごめんね デブーン

ミカちゃんの髪を縛ってポニーテールです <3

(日本語がまだとても下手!もう一回ごめんね *UvU* ハラハラ)"

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Re: Japanese Translated to English Help

Postby community.japanese » May 22nd, 2016 5:06 am

konnichiwa! :D

First of all, I'm very sorry for no one having replied until now. :(

Your Japanese is very good!
However, I'm sorry, I couldn't quite understand what you wanted to say.
So, will you perhaps provide English translation of what you wrote in Japanese?
Then we can give you some feedback and help you!
There is just one feedback I can give you: it's かわいいと思います not かわいいだと思います.
This is a common grammar mistake. :wink:

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: Japanese Translated to English Help

Postby sca.een_513890 » October 5th, 2016 12:26 pm

Natsuko, I think KattPear didn't write that piece. Some girl did but KattPear jut had trouble understanding it so asked whether someone here can understand what that girl wanted to say.
KattPear, I'm not that good at Japanese but I do know some basics, still I couldn't fully understand what that girl wanted to say but it doesn't look like she is talking about a video so I guess you can do like Natsuko said - ask that girl for English translation.
ace helper from :oiwai: :oiwai:

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Re: Japanese Translated to English Help

Postby community.japanese » October 12th, 2016 10:57 pm

Thank you for your post and helping KattPear.
Yuki 由紀

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