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Postby laser23027213 » December 4th, 2015 9:51 am


Please listen to this conversation:

I heard a sentence like "うちは豚肉はおいていないんだよ", but I want to break this sentence and know what each word means. Can anyone please tell me what does "は" after 豚肉 means? What does "おいて" means? What is it's original form and how's it written using Kanji? And what does the rest いないんだよ means? Thanks a lot!

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Re: おいて

Postby community.japanese » December 5th, 2015 10:07 am

laser23027213 san,
うちは豚肉はおいていないんだよ should be divided like below.

うち: my shop
は: topic marker
豚肉: pork
は: particle indicates comparison
おいて: te-form of おく (put, place, set, lay and so on)
おいていない:negative form ofおいている (I have A in my place)
ん:colloquial expression of の
だ: copula verb
よ: final particle indicates assertion

laser23027213 wrote:Can anyone please tell me what does "は" after 豚肉 means?

That ‘は’ indicates ‘I don’t have pork but something else.’
The sentence doesn’t tell us the something else but give use the indication.

laser23027213 wrote:What does "おいて" means? What is it's original form and how's it written using Kanji?

おく (put, place, set, lay and so on)

I hope it could be helpful. :)

Yuki  由紀
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