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Kanji - Am I wasting my time with this method?

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Kanji - Am I wasting my time with this method?

Postby jonnyjw_509078 » November 23rd, 2015 5:33 pm

Hi everyone,

I'm new here.

I have recently been studying Kanji however only some of the english translated meanings for them.

Remembering their meaning isn't too difficult as I use memoric tricks with the primitve elements.

My question would be would you strongly advise to also learn the Japanese word for them? As from a website the guy said a good way to learn is to only study their english meaning then when I come to reading japanese txt I can transalte the english meaning and find out the correct Japanese word for the meaning (or in many cases meanings) for the specific symbol.

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Re: Kanji - Am I wasting my time with this method?

Postby adelholtz_499460 » November 24th, 2015 8:23 pm

you should probably read this:

and this article:
sums up pretty much the way i see it.

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Re: Kanji - Am I wasting my time with this method?

Postby community.japanese » December 1st, 2015 7:29 am

Thank you for helping san.

If you still have a problem with kanji, please let us know.
Yuki 由紀

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