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Native Nihon Number 21

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Native Nihon Number 21

Postby j.c.s.black_507401 » November 9th, 2015 8:35 pm

How Do You Write?

Hatatchi-Hitotsu Desu Ka.

Never Mind.

Amari desu.

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Re: Native Nihon Number 21

Postby community.japanese » November 23rd, 2015 12:51 am

If you are talking about just a number, it is ‘nijuu ichi’ however, if you are talking about an age, that is ‘nijuu issai.’
Yuki 由紀

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Re: Native Nihon Number 21

Postby aaxley3dan_518867 » November 18th, 2017 8:28 pm

I also have a question about the number 21 in NATIVE Japanese numbers. For instance I know "ni-juu ichi" is 21 in the sino-japanese counting system but I'm trying to count in the native counting system beginning with 1=hitotsu.

I know 10=to and for numbers after that you add "amari" so that 11=to amari hitotsu. My question would be does the system continue to keep the same form going forward after 20=hatachi? Where 21 would be written hatachi amari hitotsu. And if you can also numbers like 121 where 100=Momo.

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Re: Native Nihon Number 21

Postby community.japanese » February 7th, 2018 10:17 am


I'm sorry for the late reply!!

To be honest, the Japanese counting only goes up to 10 these days. Only a very minority (Japanese) would even know the word 'amari'.
We do use 'hatachi' for the age of 20, but in the contemporary Japanese, we use only up to 10.

Hope this helps! :wink:

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: Native Nihon Number 21

Postby mmmason8967 » February 8th, 2018 10:39 pm




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