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Electronic dictionary, Android or Iphone?

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Electronic dictionary, Android or Iphone?

Postby joachim.verbeke_508818 » November 7th, 2015 8:36 am

Hi, which do you think is better for a serious study of Japanese? An electronic dictionary, an Android phone or an IPhone? I'm only a beginner at the moment, but I plan to pursue serious every day studies of Japanese, and my phone is nearly dead, so I'll need a new one pretty soon, and even though I don't need dictionaries right now, I'll need them at some point so I need to know now which of the three is better. Thank you!

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Re: Electronic dictionary, Android or Iphone?

Postby adelholtz_499460 » November 8th, 2015 1:30 pm


its not a question of which device is better its rather a question of "what you want to be able to do with it".
There do exist several dictionary and other learning apps for Android and iPhone devices. All of them may or may not fit your needs.

I personally own an iPhone/ipad and use this app: (along various other applications).
I prefere iPhone over Android for various reasons but as i said, in general you should be able to get the same (or at least similar) applications for both devices.

Than there is also the possibility for you to buy smth like this:ónico-Inglés-Japonés.html

You could also use online resources like etc. which may is good enough in most cases.

So ask yourself:
1) whats your goal
1.5) will you just use it as a means to check up on unknown words/kanji/phrases etc or do you intend to study with it, like using flashcards the jpod101 app and so on
2) how often will you need to use the device for study purposes
3) do you need the resources to be available offline at any given time

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Re: Electronic dictionary, Android or Iphone?

Postby community.japanese » November 15th, 2015 11:52 am


It depends on people so as san said, you can ask yourself.
Yuki 由紀

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