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Preference, ability or skill with のが - potential or regular?

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Preference, ability or skill with のが - potential or regular?

Postby Starhowl » October 5th, 2015 7:35 am

I am supposed to form this sentence into one of preference, ability or skill with のが.
この ケーキ、 田中さんが 作ったんです。

It's just that I'm wondering if this is supposed to become either

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Re: Preference, ability or skill with のが - potential or regular?

Postby community.japanese » October 7th, 2015 5:15 am

Starhowl san,
こんにちは。 :)
わたしは、作るのが上手ですね is grammatically correct.
Unfortunately わたしは、作れるのが上手です is not.
However, わたしは、作るのが上手ですね indicates being proud of yourself too much so Japanese native speakers hardly use it.
Then I don’t recommend you to say that.
Yuki 由紀

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