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studying flashcards help?

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studying flashcards help?

Postby cinnabunny94_507303 » August 10th, 2015 8:23 am

not sure how can i study when all i get is this image on the front sideImage
no sound plays from it. its silent.
also I would like a study partner

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Re: studying flashcards help?

Postby ofeliadgrd » August 12th, 2015 12:28 am

Hi cinnabunny94,

could you report the issue you are experiencing by mail to ?
Please include your username and the description of the device you usually use.

As for a study partner, please know that if you are a Premium Plus member you have access to the Myteacher feature that keeps you in touch with a teacher.
Please check this link for more information:

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