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Kanji self-study

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Kanji self-study

Postby vitaum88_501670 » September 16th, 2014 10:15 am

Konnichi ha minna san!

So hey guys, I am 26 currently living in Japan as an expat and I will just put it out: I'm pretty good at languages... I`m fluent in 4, pretty good in 2 more. I can learn stuff really fast and I have not a lot a problems with study discipline.

I just want to ask you something here: I started to follow a strategy based on studying Kanji first and I`ve gone through 150 kanjis thoroughly in the past 5 days using ANKI and Heisig's ANKI complete deck (let me tell you, I`ve been here for 4 months already so I know about 600 kanjis - meanings and maybe 20% of them complete readings). My grammar is basic and vocabulary is catching up as well. Today I realize I "wasn't supposed" to study the readings with the Kanjis. Indeed, it takes a bit longer for me to catch up on reviewing and wrapping up the day due to readings, but in terms of meaning and writing the Kanji it would be much faster and perhaps I could go with more than 30 per day (I studied them a lot by myself before ANKI so stroke ordering feels natural to me and I pay attention to small stroke differences and peculiarities).

The method I am following here should give me complete understanding of the Kanji meanings and readings will follow up with vocab and other mnemonics, etc, etc, therfore being easier to get readings instead of having this information reviewed by ANKI presently. Even vocabulary exercises should have Kanji mixed up so at least the Kanji itself won`t be a hurdle. Therefore I ask you guys:

Is it worthy to study the Kanji with readings, taking longer to review, memorize, etc, via BRUTE FORCE (more or less) and once I am done with the Joyo Kanji I will have a great deal of Vocabulary and happily read Kanjis around me OR to stop the readings for now and go on with the method which then I might have to go back on the Kanjis later to attach readings to them and also give up the gratifying moment of reading 消火器 - しょうかき at work or 自転車 歩行者 専用(じてんしゃ ほこうしゃ せんよう) in a crossing?

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Re: Kanji self-study

Postby community.japanese » September 22nd, 2014 2:30 am

vitaum88 san,

I can understand what you said because each kanji has at least two readings onyomi and kunyomi.
Then regarding your question, the answer is it’s up to you.
What is your goal?
Is it enough to understand kanji meaning or do you want to read and use kanji Japanese native speakers?
As you know all four skills, speaking, listening, reading and writing are related each other so for example, if you want to improve speaking only, it’s a bit hard.
I suggest you should think about your goal and choose it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us.
We always help you. :D

Yuki  由紀
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