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confusing particles と and に

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confusing particles と and に

Postby sartorimarika_497534 » February 7th, 2014 6:29 pm

Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble with those phrases because I can't understand when to use と or に.


In this case it can't be と because there is the verb to meet 会う? Is that because 会う is an instant verb? (by that I mean that is not an action that takes more than a moment to complete itself)


I know both are fine but the meaning is slight different. Am I right? I don't get the difference.. What am I missing?


Again, I know in this case both are fine. But why?

And this phrase what does it mean? To me it means the same exact thing from the previous two phrases but maybe the order is different. Maybe there is something that I am missing..

Help :cry:

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Re: confusing particles と and に

Postby community.japanese » February 8th, 2014 6:36 am

Hello sartorimarika san,
That’s a good question.
1 When you say今晩六時ごろ東京の前で、さとうさんに会います, the situation is like
Sato san will be waiting for you in front of Tokyo (station?) and you will be going there to see Sato san.
When you say今晩六時ごろ東京の前で、さとうさんと会います, it’s like Sato san and you will be going to Tokyo (station) and meeting up.

Yes, they are slightly different.
先生に話します indicates the writer will be only one speaker and sensei will be listening to her or him.
先生と話しますindicates both the writer and the teacher will be speaking and listening like a discussion.

きょうこちゃんはお姉さんとよくにています。It doesn’t mention in the sentence however, it indicates ‘compared with Kyoko’s older brother or parents, Kyoko resembles her older sister ’.
きょうこちゃんはお姉さんによくにています indicates Kyoko looks her older sister and is like her older sister passed on something to Kyoko.

きょうこちゃんとお姉さんはよくにています, is Kyoko and her older sister are resemble.
As you know they are really similar and you can use them interchangeably anytime.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: confusing particles と and に

Postby sartorimarika_497534 » February 8th, 2014 9:02 am

Thank you very much I understand now!
thx thx :flower:

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Re: confusing particles と and に

Postby community.japanese » February 10th, 2014 12:35 am

sartorimarika san,


Yuki 由紀

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