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Learning My Way

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Learning My Way

Postby aijahall6229 » February 6th, 2014 7:07 pm

Hello! I have only been studying Japanese for about 2 weeks. I started out learning Hiragana and I know about half of it right now. I don't know many Japanese words, but I am confident in most Hiragana and can pronounce things fairly accurately seeing a word in Romanji and with the little Hiragana that I currently have knowledge of.
I have been truing to only use Hiragana when I study or at the very least if a word is written in Romanji I write the Hiragana symbols and I try to visualize the symbols in my head when I hear a Japanese word.
I am using JapanesePod101 for pronunciation and beginner phrases, and I'm using several apps to learn Hiragana including flash cards.
I hope to learn a lot more and I feel my progress is fantastic for the little time I have to study.


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Re: Learning My Way

Postby community.japanese » February 8th, 2014 5:33 am

Hello Aija san,
Thank you for the post.
You are really keen to study Japanese. :!:
Ganbatte kudasai.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: Learning My Way

Postby watertommyz9255 » February 14th, 2014 4:25 am

Hiragana is super easy, and much easier to learn than I thought it would be. Once you have the basics down, it's a breeze...the particles might confuse you at first, though as well as a few other special rules. It also might taking some getting used to not using spaces but after that, it's not something that takes long at all. I'm having a bit of trouble with Katakana, but that's because I keep forgetting to review them as much as I did with hiragana.

Right now, I'm just building up my vocabularly and going through some more of the audio lessons before I go back to grammar, as vocab seems to be my strength. I seem to learn the fastest through the audio at this point, so I'll be turning my focus towards that, and it helps that they give real life examples of how and when to use everything.

It makes it super easy to remember. My favorite one so far is the Being Sorry in Japan audio lesson. It's really cool seeing the differences between small words and or meanings in two languages, like "ouch" and "イタタタ" and other varations. It's fun!

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Re: Learning My Way

Postby community.japanese » February 14th, 2014 4:36 am

watertommyz9255 さん、
Thank you of the post.
Ganbatte kudasai.
Yuki 由紀

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