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Help me say it in japanese

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Help me say it in japanese

Postby worldanizer » January 13th, 2014 8:27 am


I've been thinking about how some of my day-to-day conversations with people would
sound like if I had to speak Japanese all the time.

In this post I'll describe the situation and what I would say. Please help me correct bad
language usage.

(Please keep in mind this is spoken language)

Situation: I'm at a metro station about to go up stairs, I see someone struggling to get
up the stairs because they are carrying a heavy luggage. I want to offer them help:

Me: あの。。すいません!私がやりましょうか。(can I help you carry that?)

I start helping them, but they dont let go of the luggage, (as if they don't want me to handle
it alone)

Me: ああ。。心配しなでください。私大丈夫です。(don't worry i can handle it, I don't need help)

We arrive near the gates, but there is a special gate over there for people with luggage:

Me: あの。。。重い庭もっているから、あそこのゲートに使ってください。(There is a gate for people with luggage over there.)

They say thanks.

Me: はい。どういたしまして。:)(you're welcome.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Re: Help me say it in japanese

Postby community.japanese » January 15th, 2014 8:39 am

worldanizer さん、
こんにちは :D
Wow, that's a great way of practice!

worldanizer wrote:Me: ああ。。心配しなでください。私大丈夫です。(don't worry i can handle it, I don't need help)

I think 心配しないでください。大丈夫ですよ。would be just fine (without わたし in the second line).

worldanizer wrote:Me: あの。。。重い庭もっているから、あそこのゲートに使ってください。(There is a gate for people with luggage over there.)

You mean the wider gate for people with luggage, right?
Considering the fact this is the situation where you're helping someone you don't know,
it'd be the best if you keep using only polite form (i.e. without いるから or あるから kind of casual expressions).
Please note the particle を before 使ってください :wink:

Hope this helps!

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: Help me say it in japanese

Postby worldanizer » January 15th, 2014 8:23 pm


Expert on Something
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Joined: November 16th, 2012 8:54 am

Re: Help me say it in japanese

Postby community.japanese » January 16th, 2014 7:31 am

worldanizer さん、
どういたしまして :wink:

Natsuko (奈津子),

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