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Expressing "have to" / "need to" / "should" in Japanese

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Expressing "have to" / "need to" / "should" in Japanese

Postby becciwhitton5094 » January 1st, 2014 9:53 pm

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can help me with expressing "have to do something", "should do something" and "need to do something" in Japanese.

I'm learning Japanese through this site, starting with the beginner lessons, and I'm now up to lower intermediate. For some reason I find the various ways of expressing this concept really confusing. :oops:

For example, how would you translate the following sentences?

"I have to do the dishes" (nuance = because my mum told me to)
"I should do the dishes" (nuance = but I don't want to)
"I need to do the dishes" (nuance = because all the plates are dirty and I have nothing to eat off)

"You should do the dishes" (nuance = a weak recommendation)
"You really should do the dishes" (nuance = a strong recommendation)
"You have to do the dishes" (nuance = a command)

Arigatou! :D

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Re: Expressing "have to" / "need to" / "should" in Japanese

Postby community.japanese » January 10th, 2014 5:33 am

kon'nichiwa! :D

In formal speech,
"I have to do the dishes" (nuance = because my mum told me to)
"I should do the dishes" (nuance = but I don't want to)
"I need to do the dishes" (nuance = because all the plates are dirty and I have nothing to eat off)
all those will be same:
Osara o arawanakereba narimasen.
Using "....kereba narimasen", you can express any of those nuance.
Casual ways are also the same.

On the other hand,
"You should do the dishes" (nuance = a weak recommendation)
"You really should do the dishes" (nuance = a strong recommendation)
"You have to do the dishes" (nuance = a command)
this is a bit difficult to answer simply because there are several possibilities depending on the situations
and what/how you want to say.
Recommendation can be expressed with "aratta hou ga ii desu yo" and strong recommendation can be an order
("arainasai"). A command is similar to this order, but "arawanakereba narimasen" is also possible.

In this level of grammar, it's better if you leave English translation a bit and try to understand the nuance
of Japanese expressions from examples, ideally in converstaion style.
If you see some conversations using those Japanese expressions and couldn't find out
what the nuance is, you are always welcome to ask us.

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: Expressing "have to" / "need to" / "should" in Japanese

Postby becciwhitton5094 » January 20th, 2014 8:42 am

奈津子先生お返事がありがとうございます  :blob:

I asked a Japanese friend this question as well, and she said that when she was learning English she found the difference between "have to" / "need to" / "must" really confusing as well!

She told me that in Japanese the following expressions could all be translated as "have to", "need to" or "must do":
~nai to ikenai
~nakereba naranai
~nakute wa ikenai
~hitsuyou (必要) ga aru

Is that right? I am right in understanding that the difference between these is pretty subtle?

She said that when recommending that someone else do something, you can say ~hou ga ii desu, or ~suru beki da. Is there a difference in nuance between these two expressions?

When recommending that someone else NOT do something, you can say ~nai hou ga ii desu, or, in the case of a superior talking to a subordinate (e.g. a doctor talking to a patient), ~te wa ikenai. I think this last one is the most tricky as it sounds so much like ~nakute wa ikenai but has the opposite meaning!

Does that all sound right? I think I will just have to get used to hearing and using these expressions without worrying about the direct translation - もっと勉強するの必要がありますね :picket:

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Re: Expressing "have to" / "need to" / "should" in Japanese

Postby community.japanese » January 21st, 2014 8:49 am


becciwhitton5094 wrote:She told me that in Japanese the following expressions could all be translated as "have to", "need to" or "must do":
~nai to ikenai
~nakereba naranai
~nakute wa ikenai
~hitsuyou (必要) ga aru

Is that right? I am right in understanding that the difference between these is pretty subtle?

She said that when recommending that someone else do something, you can say ~hou ga ii desu, or ~suru beki da. Is there a difference in nuance between these two expressions?

Basically all you said above is right.
Like I wrote in previous comment, English translation in this level is no longer too helpful
and you need to understand the nuance and usage.
For example, 必要がある has a word 必要 in it, so it's closer to "need to".
Literally, 必要がある means "there's a need".

There's also "speech level", or rather "politeness level", you have to consider. For example, the difference
between "~ hou ga ii desu" and suru beki da" is not just one. The first one ends with "desu" and the latter ends
with "da". Politeness level is completely different. Then, "hou ga ii" literally means "(something) is better"
while the other one is strong recommendation or almost obligation. The expression "suru beki desu/da"
is very strong, so you need to pay attention when and to whom you use.

It doesn't seem very wise to continue explaining quickly because all those expressions need
deeper insights and practice (like you wrote, もっと勉強する必要がある).
Comparing the similar expressions is good to understand the meanings properly, but when it's a comparison
of too many, there's a risk of confusing more or missing something.
(i.e. there was already a confusion of "desu" and "da")
Expressions nakute wa ikenai, nakute wa naranai, etc. need to be studied with more focus.
It seems you have basic idea and understanding of those expressions.

If you have more specific problem in meanings or usage, please feel free to ask us.

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: Expressing "have to" / "need to" / "should" in Japanese

Postby becciwhitton5094 » January 24th, 2014 9:22 pm

Thanks for you reply - that's definitely helpful. がんばります :D

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Re: Expressing "have to" / "need to" / "should" in Japanese

Postby community.japanese » January 25th, 2014 4:03 pm

you're very welcome :wink:

Natsuko (奈津子),

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