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Shared Talk- Rosetta Stone -- and similar language exchange

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Shared Talk- Rosetta Stone -- and similar language exchange

Postby jcgraham969229 » October 11th, 2011 5:46 am

I just read on one of the posts about Shared Talk - a division of Rosetta Stone. I have this fantasy of one day being able to be good enough at Japanese to do that, to find a language partner on line and practice practice practice! But I feel like I would have to be much better than advanced beginner to do this. Has anyone tried this , or something like it? What have your experiences been? I don't know if I have the vocabulary yet to even make a real conversation come to life.

Or is it like yoga, you can't really get there (like touching your toes while sitting on the floor) until you've shown up over and over and over again...

Just wondering if I should wait another few months or jump in?

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Postby Javizy » October 11th, 2011 1:44 pm

Probably better to wait a bit to give yourself a better foundation, otherwise you'll be forced to revert to English, but lots of people who can't speak at all go on there anyway... In fact, 90% of the Japanese people on there "learning" English can barely speak a word, but it's good for those of us who want to practise Japanese :)

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Postby jcgraham969229 » October 11th, 2011 5:08 pm

Thanks so much. I agree, I have a feeling it will be more helpful (to me) to wait another 6 months or so. It might take me that long to get my courage up anyway!

jaa ne...

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