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Anyone here? ここに誰かいますか。

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Anyone here? ここに誰かいますか。

Postby Trinitywarrior1 » May 2nd, 2015 2:17 am


I was just wondering about the forum here and it seems like no one is here. I was looking for someone to chat with about Japan, to practice, and to just talk with. Hope to hear from someone.

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Re: Anyone here? ここに誰かいますか。

Postby mmmason8967 » May 2nd, 2015 3:07 pm

Yes, it's been a bit quiet lately...

I wonder if it's related to the recent forum changes. One change that I've particularly noticed is that the "new posts" search feature has been fixed and it now shows you a list of the posts since your last visit. Previously it didn't work properly and it actually listed all recent posts, in chronological order, back for several days--which I always found very useful. There's now no way of searching for recent posts: for me "new posts" and "unread posts" are pretty much exactly the same thing, and the old faulty "new posts" was much more useful. I quite often see a post that I'd like to reply to, but if I don't have time straight away; sometimes I can't find that post later, or maybe I'll simply forget about it--the old, broken "new posts" feature was very handy for reminding me.


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Re: Anyone here? ここに誰かいますか。

Postby » May 11th, 2015 10:03 pm

It might be a bit helpful to look under the 'Practice Japanese' section in the forums...They have plenty of threads where you can practice Japanese and find language partners with so hopefully that will help a bit. ^_~

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Re: Anyone here? ここに誰かいますか。

Postby Murius » May 12th, 2015 2:41 pm

Trinitywarrior1 wrote:Hello.

I was just wondering about the forum here and it seems like no one is here. I was looking for someone to chat with about Japan, to practice, and to just talk with. Hope to hear from someone.

I agree it looks quite dead right now. Escpecially conspicuous by their absence are Jpod101's staff. A worrisome state of affairs...

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