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きようし? では??Question!

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きようし? では??Question!

Postby rem92jesse1116 » July 31st, 2014 4:31 pm

Hi all,

So im trying to learn Japanese right? And im using rosseta stone. So the kiyoushi thing appears, but i dont know what it means, it gives me the picture of like a teacher, but i wanna be sure, cause i try to google translate it, and nothing.

Ignore the red word.

Also, why in rosseta stone they write Dewa as では and not  でわ ??? :?:

Appreciate the help.
Thanks all.

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Re: きようし? では??Question!

Postby mmmason8967 » July 31st, 2014 5:22 pm

rem92jesse1116 wrote:So the kiyoushi thing appears, but i dont know what it means, it gives me the picture of like a teacher, but i wanna be sure, cause i try to google translate it, and nothing.

That's because it's kyoushi, not kiyoushi. That is, the word starts with kyo, not with ki.

In hiragana kyo is written as きょ (with a small ょ rather than the normal よ). There are a number of these combined characters, such as, for example, じゃ (ja), りょ (ryo) and にゅ (nyu).

Also, why in rosseta stone they write Dewa as では and not でわ

It's because there are three irregular spellings in Japanese, and they all involve particles. The particles are written in roumaji as wa, e and o, and that's how they're pronounced, too. But they're written with the characters は (ha), へ (he) and を (wo). Since dewa is de followed by the particle wa, it's written では.

The one that catches everyone out (at least at first) is konnichiwa. It's actually konnichi followed by the particle wa, so it's written こんにちは.


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Re: きようし? では??Question!

Postby Skydog287_500137 » July 31st, 2014 8:19 pm

Exactly what mmmason8967さん wrote. Just wanted to add that I highly recommend using other sources (such as this site) alongside Rosetta stone to learn Japanese. I say this because from what I read about Rosetta stone is that while it can help teach a lot of vocab, it somewhat lacks in the grammar department.

Also there are instances where they show the word for "jump" for example and it is a picture of a kid standing at the edge of a pool. So when you see the picture you could be thinking does this word me standing? Pool? ect.

So if Rosetta stone is working for you then great, keep using it for sure! But just consider it one of your many "tools" to learn Japanese. :) You might already be doing this but just wanted to put that out there just in case. ^_^

However, this is just what I know from what I hear from other people, not personal experience with Rosetta stone.

Good luck on your journey!


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Re: きようし? では??Question!

Postby rem92jesse1116 » July 31st, 2014 9:40 pm

Hey mmmason8967, Thanks a lot. I totally get it now. How do you type the small よ then? Thats another reason why i failed at the translator.

Skydog287, Yea, thanks for the tips. Im using a textbook, this site and rosseta stone. :picket:

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Re: きようし? では??Question!

Postby mmmason8967 » July 31st, 2014 10:15 pm

rem92jesse1116 wrote:How do you type the small よ then?

Most of the time the IME (Japanese input) will do it for you automatically. For example, if you type k y o u s h i, you'll get きょうし.

If you want to type a small ょ on its own, try typing lyo (that's "l" for "little") and if that doesn't work, try xyo. One of them should work (probably both of them will work).


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Re: きようし? では??Question!

Postby community.japanese » August 7th, 2014 4:11 am

Skydog287 san,
Thank you for the comment.

rem92jesse1116 san,
Now you solved the problems!


Yuki  由紀

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