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Please help!!!!! Taskete kudasai!!!!!!

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Please help!!!!! Taskete kudasai!!!!!!

Postby MiaGilaani » March 22nd, 2014 1:54 pm

Mina San konnichiwa. I need some help regarding an upcoming Japanese speech competition next week. I took a Japanese course at my local Japanese Cultural Center, the best students were selected to speak in Japanese in front of Japanese guests especially the panel of Judges and the consul general. Since I took a beginner course so people selected from my class only have to read a page (with proper expressions, tone and pronounciation), while the higher classes have to prepare their own speeches. I want to start my speech by saying something like "Hello distinguished guests,its an honor to speak infront of you. I'm just a beginner so I will try my best and hope not to make any mistakes( followed by yoroshiku onegaishimasu) "
I want to say a simple sentence so that people don't think I'm trying to use big words to show off my language skills to score more points, but merely a pleasant ice breaker. If anybody can please translate this into Japanese (both Hiragana and Romaji, I only know 80 kanji so plz don't use kanji) it would be great. Also, if anybody has any other suggestions for my sentence or any change I should make that would be nice too.

Arigato gozaimasu.

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Re: Please help!!!!! Taskete kudasai!!!!!!

Postby community.japanese » March 24th, 2014 9:10 pm

Hello MiaGilaani san,
“Hello distinguished guests,its an honor to speak infront of you” means みんさん、こんんちは。きょうはみなさんのまえでおはなしできることをうれしくおもっています.
Yuki 由紀
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