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Q: anyone know how to best use supermemo (LittleFish???)

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Q: anyone know how to best use supermemo (LittleFish???)

Postby typerlc » August 25th, 2006 3:04 am

I liked the idea of SuperMemo, as described in one of LittleFish's posts, so I wanted to try it out myself.

I'm after some guidance on the best way to use SuperMemo for learning a language (particularly) Japanese. I guess the question boils down to what's the best way to layout flash cards in SuperMemo?

Anyone have an experience that might help?


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Postby tiroth » August 25th, 2006 5:34 pm

Phew! A lot of possible answers to this question. I think it depends on what your goals are. For example, if I am mostly interested in speaking, probably English -> Kanji and Kana. Personally, I do mostly reading, and drill Kanji -> Kana and English.

Some people drill in both directions.

I also have a collection that is the core meaning of each kanji and an example word in kana -> Kanji. This is mainly to ensure I don't forget how to write the kanji.

Once you become good enough, it would make sense to remove all english and just drill from Japanese meaning -> Kanji etc. I think it might take me a decade to get to that point though. :roll:
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